All right, everybody. I sent an e-mail out
Greetings one and greetings all! This e-mail has a purpose!
That purpose is to tell you that I have a website up to showcase my new comic strip! There are roughly 10 of them there right this minute for you to read, and a new one will (in theory) be added each Monday and Friday.
This website is to be found at
here It is a highly temporary site which I will only be using until I finish building the “real” website and register a domain name, but I am proclaiming it available for visiting because I would like some feedback about the strip before the “real” site goes “live”. Unless you request otherwise, I’ll send you another e-mail when that happens, and if you’re interested in the meantime, you can keep up with my progress when and if I remember to update the weblog for the comic strip, found
So if you are so inclined (and I hope you are), visit the site and then (IMPORTANT) e-mail me tell me what you think of the comic strip.
Now some of you read that and are already doing it, but some of the rest of you may need a little “encouragment”.
“But,” you may say, “I don’t know anything about comic strips!” Can you read a comic strip? Then that, combined with the knowledge that I sent this to you because I value your opinion on the subject, qualifies you to offer any feedback you may have. Or at least possibly enjoy the comic strips. The thing to remember here is that my readership will not be limited to people who know anything about comic strips. Besides, some of you can’t use this excuse anyway because you’re comic strip aficionados.
“But,” you counter, “I don’t really have anything to say.” I am so good at anticipating excuses. I have equipped the website with a questionnaire that will alert you to some of the specific things on which I am looking for opinions. I should add that IN NO WAY do you have to fill the whole questionnaire out (although you can), NOR do you have to limit your comments to the topics therein. It’s a no-obligation tool to equip anyone interested to articulate an opinion.
“But,” (and you’re getting a little desperate now) “I don’t have a lot of time.” Well, that may be true, and I trust your judgment. But I should let you know that it’s important to set aside time for leisure activities for relaxation and to avoid over-work. Leisure activities like reading comic strips and corresponding with friends. Why not start today?
Besides, there is a “contest” to name the comic strip, which may or may not feature valuable prizes!
“OK, I’ll level with you.” Finally. “I just don’t want to do it.” THAT is an excuse I will readily accept, respecting, as I do, my friends’ time and interests.
Anyway, no kidding aside, I hope you’ll visit the site and let me know what you think. I’ll see you when I get a real site.
Have a great day!
The new site is up! So go visit! Then e-mail!