
Mar 03, 2009 03:34

I bought some gum today. I chew it when I get anxious, and it helps dilute any ticks I may have. I fancy a girl, which is rare, and she makes me act thirteen. Trying to adapt to true desire for someone, after years of general romantic indifference, is a pretty noisy issue. It's like walking on top of loose snow ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

dance_w_me March 3 2009, 22:42:19 UTC
1. write more
2. is this the girl I'm thinking of?
3. I want your DVDs...and maybe your TV
4. I'm glad you'll be in Mpls now, I missed hanging out


danimal2k3 March 4 2009, 02:22:24 UTC
1. Alrighty
2. I think so. I'll elaborate to you soon.
3. I will give away certain DVDs, but some other ones I may put a tiny price on...the TV cannot be freeeeee, but it won't be 'spensive.
4. Me too! I hope I see you tonight with all the t-rock bubblin going on.


i_am_ryans_lj March 4 2009, 12:57:33 UTC
I usually take the little plastic things out of my shirts before I wash them. Somehow I manage to lose them while the shirts are being washed and dried though. I think they are just doomed to be lost.


i_am_ryans_lj March 5 2009, 03:16:28 UTC
Usually when I forget and leave them in, one survives the adventure...but just one.

I need a bucket of extra ones.


danimal2k3 March 5 2009, 03:17:06 UTC
that was me...


ockills March 4 2009, 21:04:41 UTC
I'd probably buy every cd you wanna lose. Even the ones you'd assume I already have.. I probably lost em.


danimal2k3 March 5 2009, 03:18:10 UTC
haha, that reminds me of the mondo pile of discs on the floor of your saturn back when.

We'll have to meet and dicks cuss it!


choadushouse March 5 2009, 04:05:38 UTC
are you sure????

The Early November???
Bumblebeez 81???
Jimmy Eat World full collection????
etc etc


danimal2k3 March 5 2009, 05:44:40 UTC
He wants all of those.

Don't forget the swordfish soundtrack.


choadushouse March 5 2009, 04:06:17 UTC
We might take the TV, if we can afford it, and no one else has purchased it by the time we have... enough money...


danimal2k3 March 5 2009, 05:45:51 UTC
Surely. I'll sell it to you for 125 buckeroos.


choadushouse March 7 2009, 18:27:57 UTC

add a decimal to that and you've got yourself a deal.

$12.5 or $1.25... the choice is yours!


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