OK so we are moving my workplace and I want to paint my room something cool.
if you think of any cool ideas that would work with this theme, please tell me!
i want to create artwork that is all inspired by Chicago.
I was thinking each of the 3 walls would be different.
one wall will be all iconic and look like a bunch of posters (not real posters but painted to look like old posters)
maybe in a timeline form or something other stuff like world fair related
maybe the ferris wheel, inventions from that era, etc.
the copy on all the posters would sound similar to real ones but really just use film/video jargon. like an industrial looking poster but its all about faster rendering on powerful computers,
maybe all the smoke coming from the factories are 101001010101010101110101 (of course it would have to spell out propaganda about how sweet I am and if anyone ever decoded the binary they would laugh very hard.)
one could be an ad about making the unreal real but it feels like a 1930s drug ad or some sort of new car. maybe the car is named for some special effects or animation term.
one wall will have a broader range, like emcompassing the midwest.
i was thinking of re-painting this lake michigan depth chart and the entire regions population distribution
(that way I could get Detroit onto the wall representing my past)
one wall would be all beauty shots,
sunsets, architecture in sillouette, boats on the water, etc.
anyone that wants to help paint i would welcome the help, it will be over about a 3 week span in December.