but I'm just so angry at my flatmate Gerwain at the moment. He's never been a big problem, he does a lot of things that bug me but he's usually pretty concious of when he's annoying me but this week has really taken the cake.
He spent last week not here, claiming to be doing some work for a graphic design company or something, which was cool. He owed me some money (About £26) and he needed to contribute £10 to put on the electricity key. He said sure sure, he'd drop the money off to me before he went to Spain.
So it gets to Saturday and he's not come home and I suddenly realise when I'm at work the bugger is going to Spain tomorrow and if he doesn't leave me the cash on the table for everything then I'm super screwed. I send him a strongly worded text message.
I get home and he's been and gone knowing that I'll be out with no money and not even a note to say good bye. I have no idea when he's back.
So I've been working my arse off this week, around about 52 hours, for money that I won't get for a couple of weeks. I have 30p in my bank account. I have £4 on my credit card. The electricity has gone and I've already put my share on it so I've had to borrow a fiver from my friend Katie.
The internet money has come out of my account, or at least tried to, been rejected and I'm expecting to be cut off at anytime. Add to that I've had a charge from the bank of about £30 because of this.
And I've paid the phonebill which he owes me £16 for. I understand it's not a lot but I have no money to buy food or anything and if Katie hadn't leant me the money I wouldn't even be able to cook anyway.
Add to that after I sent him a strngly worded text his mum phones me at 10am after I have been awake working for nearly 24 hours and have just gotten into bed. Giving me the third degree about my finances. I fob her off and tell her that my dad has put 100 quid into my account. A total lie and impossible as he is in Macau.
So here I am, with no money (until I do a very busy 9 hour shift on my feet with blisters that I have got from working at my other job) and nothing to eat until tomorrow. And even then I have to put all that cash in my account in order to pay off the effing bank charges.
I am pretty annoyed about all of this really.