Bush isn't dumb. He's a gifted politician. He certainly didn't get a Republican majority in the House and Senate by good luck. The real problem, it seems, is that he's just not interested in the governing part of being President. Bush is the Justin Timberlake of politics. All style. No governing.
MOLLY IVINS: Well, now I am not a Washington reporter. I intensely covered Bush when he was Governor of Texas. But I am not one to get you the inside, the White House poop, because I don't have any. The relationship to Rove I can speak to. I think there's a mistaken idea that it's like puppet and puppetmaster. Actually I think they are more like twins. I think it's a really good team. Rove, of course, is an exceptionally good, exceptionally skillful campaign guy and Bush, himself, is really gifted at the political end of politics. But he's always been, as he says, misunderestimated. He really is interested in and good at the political end of politics. Where you run into problems with W. is that policy bores the heck out of him. He's just not interested. He doesn't like to read about it, hear about it, he doesn't like to go to long meetings, he doesn't like to read memos. It bores him. And I'm not quite sure why you would go into government if you weren't interested in it. But there it is. Politics, however-- it's not that unusual, by the way. I would point out that a lot of politicians who enjoy the political end of politics but they aren't interested in government. Then there are some that are really interested in governments and are just terrible at politics.
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