"And no I didn't retire"

Feb 25, 2005 11:04

Ah yes! LJ my old friend how I've missed you! I think I've had this thing for three years now and this is the longest I've gone without updating it!

Fall Semester:
Fall semester's done (obviously). Two "B+"s, a "B" and two "B-"s. Fuck. Brought down my GPA. Can't say those classes were very hard either. Wonder why I sucked so bad? Could it have been the combination of too much work and rugby...

Season begins in under a month, and I'm excited for it. Although I have done nothing the past two months to get in shape for it, I've been going to the gym everyday this week and am going to go back on the protein diet I was on second half of senior year. I hope to put on way more muscle this time around. As excited as I am for rugby, I'm considering not playing and its all because of time. Rugby is a huge commitment (3 hours every tuesday wednesday thursday, two hours on friday and all day saturday), which complicates other things i want to do. A list of things that rugby complicates:
1) Money: My day is so packed with rugby, school, work, cooking meals, homework etc. that I have NO FREE TIME. That means no extra shifts at work, no extra money, money is WICKED tight during the season. Which is a problem because rugby can be pricey.
2) Time: No free time. I'm so busy its crazy, and it also keeps me from doing other things I want to do like join clubs and maybe pursue volunteer work....

Amherst has a student based, volunteer firefighting force. I don't know why, but it something I really want to do. Like a way of giving back to people. Doing something productive and important with my time, something good. Anyway, the force is small and I'm pretty sure a lot of people are applying. I sent in an application and they're going to call me to schedule an interview. We'll see what happens. Its not as many hours and is probably safer (in terms of breaking arms and legs) which was a fear with rugby as that would fuck up my job...

Transit is going pretty well. I have some awesome shifts and I'm only working 17 hours this semester because I got a second job doing a route for Auto Trader magazine on Thursday mornings. It pays really well and give me more free time. Back to the bus driving, I've always been very unsure of myself at Transit, all my other jobs before I was working with my boss so I knew if I was doing a good job. At Transit, they just give bus and you go do your thing. But Rob is actually applying and during the interview, he mentioned that he knew me and the interviewer said something to the effect of "Oh, Cole? Thats good, he's a good driver." That makes going to work a little less stressful.Speaking of stress...

I owe the government 1500 dollars. No big story, just too much work of being an independent contractor at FPD. And next year will probably be more other the same as my job with Auto Trader is more independant contractor work and I worked at FPD over winter break...

Winter Break:
Break went well. Worked a lot, earned enough money to pay off my car insurance, visit Mike D in VA, pay for books (which kicked my ass) and other stuff. Erica also had her jaw wired shut over break so I spent a lot of time in Stoughton trying to be a fun substitution to food. I wasn't very good. haha. But she has her jaw unwired now and can eat. Woo hoo!...

Now you might be thinking, "Cole you've made some awesome transitions from one subject to another, but what does 'Woo hoo' have to do with Erica?" Well, my friend, thats how I feel everytime I think about her. We went through a lot of really bad times over the last two months, fighting all the time, its wasn't good. Its part of the reason why I didn't update my LJ, i just didn't want to face the way things had been lately. I didn't want to reflect on my feelings and the way things had been. But things have been REALLY good the last few weeks. I mean really good. Like right after you tell someone you love them for the first time, and they say "i love you" back, that kind of good. Which makes me unbelievably happy. I love her so much. I like it when relationships go well...

I've seen way more of the JA18 crew this semester then last semester. Which is totally awesome. We all used to be so close and awesome, and last semester was just weird. We've been doing board game nights and going to the DC together a lot lately. Its just nice to be with them all again. Rock. And everyone has been going to parties lately and drinking together, which would have NEVER happened last year. That makes me happy because I really like drinking and enjoy sharing things I like with my friends. So there has definetly been an increase in partying this semester....

Spring Semester:
School is going well. Classes are more difficult this semester, but I feel I'm doing well in all of them ( a few problems in Art History, like forgetting the first paper... IDIOT!)

My Dad got a job out in Buffalo and he is currently living out there and the family is moving out this Spring. He loves his job and Sue wants to be near her family and the micros (Jourdie and Monae) want to be near their cousins so thats a good thing. My brother Shane is off ALL OF HIS MEDICATIONS! After over 20 years of toxin levels of meds, he is drug free AND SEISURE FREE! I almost cry everytime I think of the reality of the situation. Shane can now go to school without being in a drug haze, he can get a license, and is waiting in line for an apartment. This is his year. I'm so unbelievealy happy for him. Speaking of Shanes, Shane Roberts is coming back from Iraq next month. Thank fucking God. Party up in the Chalet May 15-18. Finals start the next week, but I really don't care. I want to be there with everything in me. I only went to the Chalet one day our of the weekend last summer. I should have been there everyday. Just to show Shane how much he means to me as a friend. I bothers me that I wasn't. I won't make the same mistake again.

Alright, thats enough for now. Piece n luv. stay safe.
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