Aug 19, 2011 05:10

Backtagging: Just be sure to mention it, mun gets confused easily.
Threadhopping: PLEASE DO. Real life is chaotic, I like RP to reflect that. I tend to threadhop at times myself, so if I'm out of line, please tell me?
Fourthwalling: Feel free, for THIS character. The idea that she's part of a game series canon would do nothing but vaguely amuse Yukari.
Offensive subjects: Just... don't try to be trollishly offensive, and the player would prefer if speaking about or witnessing body mutilation were asked about first.

Hugging this character: You're welcome to try, weirdo.
Kissing this character: If you can actually HUG her, expect her to kiss first. If you try yourself, well. ENJOY THE GAP
Flirting with this character: Definitely. She'll flirt back, too.
Snogging this character: Let's keep it PG-13 in logs and posts, but ICly there'd be nothing stopping her from having a fling.
Fighting with this character: Yukari is the closest her world comes to omnipotence, and there are rules in place exactly TO level the playing field. If you try to pick a fight, expect her to either completely godmode you or to suggest a spell card duel.
Injuring this character: With certain anti-magic weaponry, it's certainly possible, if very, very unlikely. It's nearly impossible to do so otherwise unless you manage to catch her by surprise. The player has no issues with it happening, but ask first.
Killing this character: Is an impossibility, both due to power level and due to canon - to kill Yukari would very likely be just as catastrophic as killing Reimu, which is to say the complete and utter collapse of the world she lives in.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure. Her thought processes don't resemble those of humans in the slightest, so her player may not be able to emulate them. Expect it to be roughly akin to trying to mind-read Cthulhu.

Warnings: As stated in her application, Yukari is, to be perfectly honest, complete and total godmode fodder. The one thing that keeps her from completely and totally abusing the vagueness of her abilities is the fact that she's completely and utterly too lazy to do such, especially when other people just as capable can fix any problems that come around. While her time-space gaps are a source of worldhopping powers, I figure that many worlds will be far harder to manipulate than the already barely-realistic world of Gensokyo. In addition, as noted, managing a huge, world-shattering display of power is hardly IC for her - after all, she's lazy and she's perfectly willing to play by the rules in Gensokyo when it comes to brute-forcing things... the only time she really uses her powers in canon is when it's a matter of convenience - for example, using a gap to reach across long distance or to do such undetected.

The one exception is when Gensokyo itself is threatened. If she feels something is a threat to the land she lives in (and, some dispute, helped create) then she will stop at nothing to remove the threat, which in turn might lead to needing to discuss with mods.


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