School meme

Jan 26, 2004 10:54

Taken from coalescent.

1.Nickname in high school?

Didn't really have one. Mostly called by my surname.

2. Sport you were into?

None of them? I had my moments playing football in PE. One game I played so well, it was suggested I could be on the school team, although of course it didn't actually happen. I'm still trying to figure that one out..

3. Had a circle of friends?

Not so much in early years, moreso in 5th and 6th form.

4. Best subject?


5. Worst subject?

Geography. Dropped in the 3rd year.

6. A teacher you owe life lessons to?

Only one? There was my maths teacher Mr Hampshire, who wrote on my final report 'Daniel has a talent for mathematics which really should not be wasted.' Should have listened to that one instead of doing a silly arts subject at uni. Also, Ms Harris, who put me in her top set english class in 4th year despite the fact I'd failed the exams we did to decide these things, and inspired me enough to get an A* in GCSE English Literature.

7. A teacher you wanna kick in the ass?

Mr Jenkins, geography teacher and year head.

Describe in one word...

That's very tricky, but I'll give it a go.

8. Year 7 (first year):


9. Year 9: (third year):


10. Year 10-11 (fourth-fifth):


11. Year 12-13 (lower and upper sixth):


12. Your best friend was?

Ben Schwabe.

13. Your worst friend was?

What an odd question. Is this someone I considered a friend but wasn't a very good one, or someone I just hated?

14. Cafeteria food sucked?

Never had school dinners, bought lunch from the shop or the chippy across the road.

15. Most hilarious school rule?

I don't recall there being any particularly silly ones.

16. Wore uniforms?

Black trousers, white shirt, black or blue tie, optional black jumper.

17. Any achievements?

Academically I did pretty well, although never as well as I could have. Sang a solo in our school christmas concert. Aside from that, not a lot really.

18. Were you popular?


19. Best song that reminds you of high school?

Nothing's leaping to mind.
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