I stole this from
1)Post these rules and all the items below in your LJ
2)Bold or otherwise highlight the ones that you have already done.
3)Italicize the ones that you want to do but haven't yet.
4)Add to the bottom of the list some things that you have done that you think that everyone should try at least once.
-White water rafting - with my Mom in Jackson Hole, WY
-Camping at Pennsic - Where?
-Running a LARP (Live Action Role Playing Game) - Nope.
-Playing in a LARP - No.
-Playing in a table top role playing game - What? How do you do that?
-Surfing - Does boogie boarding count? I'd love to learn!
-Attending a play party (a party with open sexual behaviors of some variety) - Unless watching a documentary on that sorta shiz on MTV counts...
-Gothing up and going clubbing - I would love to goth up, especially in some EGL (Elegant Gothic Lolita) outfit, and go out, but haven't had the chance to yet. Damn you Mana for making your clothes so expensive! But I wanna do it next year for Dragon*Con.
-Having children - XD I'm only 17!
-Reading your writing in public - Yeah, in school, all the time.
-Visiting Jamestown/Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia - Yeah, our family loves the whole tourist shiz.
-Having a threesome - Tommy Lee says threesomes are wrong because someone always gets left out of the fun.
-Having a foursome - LoL, nope.
-Riding a horse at a gallop - Never been on a horse before.
-Reading the bible and several other religious books - One of the first books I ever read was a big book of bible tales when I was like 7 (although it had lots of [artsy, not morbid] pictures), which is kinda strange considering I'm Jewish. But my grandparents had it lying around the house, so that's what I read.
-Attending worship services - Only for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
-Giving blood - I would if anyone wanted it, which I doubt they do. I had jondis (I know that's not how it's spelled) as a baby.
-Snorkeling in the Gulf of Mexico - When we went to Cancun when I was like 3 or 4.
-Getting a one hour professional massage - It was nice.
-Eating lobster in Maine - Maine is like one of the few states in New England I've never been to.
-Attending a They Might Be Giants concert - Who?
-Going Trick-or-Treating as an adult, with no kids for an excuse - I'm not an adult yet.:p But I think last year was my last year of Trick or Treating anyways.
-Taken a road trip in a fun sports car - Nope, we don't have any sports cars.
-Going to Ireland - No, but I would love to.
-Going to an U2 Concert - I'd love to do that too.
-Watching the Moon Rise in the middle of the ocean - It was beautiful.
-Touring a German Concentration Camp - I've been to Anne Frank's house, but that's about it.
-Taking a very long drive down a back country road at night - No, but I suppose I will one day...
-DMing - What's that?
-Wilderness backpacking - Yes, but I'm allergic to the wilderness so it wasn't very much fun.
-Going to Disney with loved ones - I dunno if I'd call them loved ones at the moment..
-Climb a mountain - Not yet, one day.
-Fought in plate armour against a steel sword - No.
-Lived in more than 2 different parts of the country - I've lived in Pennsylvania my entire life. *le'sigh*
-Seen the Grand Canyon - My parents went, but me and my bro didn't go cause it was on a trip to Vegas.
-Tour the country of your ancestors - Yep, Russia.
-Fall madly in love - Not yet. Obsessions with celebs don't count.
-Move to a new state, for no other reason than because you've always wanted to live there - One day I will live in New York City or New Orleans simply because I've always wanted to.
-Drink a bottle of extremely good wine. - I hate wine.
-Skinny dipping in the ocean - No.
-Find something that fascinates you and learn about it/do it. - All the time.
-read a classic novel - A couple.
-grow/raise something then eat it - Strawberries!
-practice at and compete at a high level in a sport - Nope, I'm a sports quitter. I never commit myself.
-Make a full 3 course meal from scratch - No.
-Camping in Maine - No.
-Swim with dolphins - I almost did.
-Pet a penguin - Yeah, it was so cool! I love penguins!!
-Receive an award in the SCA - No.
-Get up close to a killer whale - Yeah.
-Go on a cruise - Nope. We keep saying we're gonna go on a cruise of Alaska, but never do.
-Sleep outside under the stars (not in a tent) and wake up at sunrise with the loons - No.
-Feed wild birds out of your hand - No.
-Compliment a total stranger - It can be funny sometimes.
-Adopt several animals from a shelter - No. We haven't had many pets.
-take a hot air balloon ride - Eventually.
-visit another country - Yes, Mexico, Jamaica, Canada, Russia, Netherlands, and Belgium so far. May add England and Czech Republic to the list next summer.
-take a road trip with two or more friends - I will one day.
-add money to an expired (or nearly so) parking meter for a stranger's car - No. I never look at others' parking meters to even notice.
-watch a sunrise or sunset into/out of the ocean with someone you care about - With my mom.
-visit a site that's sacred to a religion other than your own. - I've visited many cathedrals in Quebec and Belgium.
-hold a wombat - No. ^_; One day...
-spend the night in a cave - Nope.
-Perform on stage before strangers - Yes, school stuff...
-Ski in the alps - Yeah, but I'm kinda bow-legged when it comes to that stuff.
-Have something you've written published - Nope.
-Heard Tori Amos perform live. - No, not really interested.
-Fired a gun - No. Dunno if I wanna or not.
-Lived for a week in the woods with no supplies - Yeah right!
-Rollercoaster Rides - Yes, but not some of the really freaky ones... I've only started a couple years ago.
-Bungee Jumping/Xtreme Skyflier - I wanna.
-Get pierced. - Two holes in each ear.
-Tour an old city and/or museum - Lots of them.
-Get hit by a car - Been in a couple accidents with my mom where we've gotten hit.
-Compose a piece of music and have someone else play/perform it in public - No.
-Visit the Library of Congress and actually get a card/check out a book - What? Why? Who cares?
-Change someone's life (for better or worse) - I don't think I have... I dunno.
-Correspond with a stranger. - On the 'net all the time.
-Have a houseguest from another country (whom you've never met in person). - Yeah, my parents friends from Azerbaijan, Russia, and Israel have come many times before.
-Meet a childhood hero, and become their actual friend - No.
-Mistake a celebrity for someone you know. - How do you do that?
-Ride a Motorcycle - I've not had the pleasure yet.
-Cross the Canadian or Mexican Border - I've been to Canada and Mexico plenty of times.
-Go on the Sydney Bridge Climb - Sounds fun, will try one day.
-Go ballroom dancing with friends - Yeah, it's definitely cool.:D
My additions are:
-Going to a convention - Whether it's sci-fi, anime, comics or whatever, you gotta try it at least once!
-Going on a city tour of NYC - I've been to NY millions of times, but didn't know half the stuff I learned on that tour thing. It was awesome!
-Visit Winchester Mystery House - It's really cool, and really big, AND HAUNTED! It's a famous mansion in California that has tours and stuff.