I had another wonderful day in NYC.<333
The day started out with Molly and her mom picking up Mike and then me at 9:40, then we went to Trenton train station. We had lots of fun having random spastic moments on the train that I just couldn't have with my friend Jenn last time I went cause she's way too serious. And we talked quite a bit about asian stuff, which she has 0 interest in, so she would have been bored to tears.
We got to NYC around 11:30ish, and both Molly and Mike bought disposable cameras, and they said they'll get them put on CDs, so expect a bunch of hot random pics of us with William the blue hippo stapler. <333
After that, we walked to AM Records cause the station was on 32nd, and so was the shop, just a few blocks down. We stopped in a couple other asian movie/book/CD shops, but none of them compared to AM Records because although the films the guy sold were bootleg, they were all region, and still very good quality. And much cheaper than you could get them anywhere else. Plus, I decided that this man was now my future husband cause he's just too kind. <333
I bought 3 movies (A Tale of Two Sisters, My Boyfriend is Bloodtype B, and My Sassy Girl) and Shinhwa's 7th jib. And for buying so much, he even gave me a little discount and a free poster of M's new single. <33333333 Like I said, this guy is my future husband. ~.^ And Mike bought Ju-On and Molly bought Battle Royale.
He stamped my membership card, and then remembered he never wrote my name on it last time. So he asked me my name, and I said "Danni", but he heard "Jenny", and wrote that on my card. So I want everyone to call me that. I'm gonna be called Danni from now on as to please my future husband and keep him happy. ~.^
After that, we went to a couple more asian shops, and finally reached Kinokuniya (I think that's the name). It's like this huge amazing japanese book store, but it has lots of CDs and stationairy as well. Mike bought Ichi The Killer and some stationairy. And Molly bought some stationairy as well.
Then we decided to go eat, so we went to McDonalds. When the lady gave me my drink, she spilled a huge Sprite all over me, and I was trying to get my money back cause she was a fawking invalid, and I was all sticky wet. But instead of giving me my money back, the manager just gave me two free apple pies. They were disgusting. -_- I gave them to Mike cause he had barely any money left, and was hungry. And he can eat just about anything.
After that, we went back to my husband's shop, cause I had some money left, and bought the prequel to My Sassy Girl, Windstruck. We took some pictures with William (the hippo stapler) in the store, and my future husband started talking about camera phones or something, and while Mike was holding William, my husband took a picture of him with his camera phone. So after we left the store, I called Mike a bubble-headed slut, and accused him of stealing my husband. He denied the whole thing, but I wasn't hearing any of it.
Then we got in the subway, and took a ride to Greenwich Village cause Molly's college that she's going next year, Parsons, is there. I decided to check out if the neighbourhood was worthy of my visiting Molly next year, so I decided to count asians, hehe. We saw the school, then went the play ground, and #41 just happened to be the cutest little girl ever. So I wanted to take a pic of her, but didn't wanna seem like a pedo, haha! Then we went to Barnes and Nobles, and we decided that whoever was gonna be #69, we would stalk them and take pics of us with them. And so we did cause we're a total bunch of freaks and on crack. We followed her around for 3 floors, then let her go. #81 looked like a kinda cuter version of what Nicholas Tse looks atm. <33333333 Quite hot. I decided to stop at 100 though, cause I was getting tired, haha!
After that, we ate then then got on the train back home. On the train, we decided to go back to Molly's and watch Ichi the Killer. The movie was friggin insane. It felt like one big acid trip, but I loved it. <33333333333333333 It was the most confusing thing EVER. I was like laughing through half the thing, almost having an aneurism, hahahaha! Around 11:30ish, Molly's mom drove us back home.
And we decided from now on we should make Friday night asian film night cause tonight was just like the most fun EVER.
And here is a convo I had with Layne tonight about Ichi The Killer cause it's hawt. <3
SwankyTehDiao: Have you ever seen Ichi the Killer?
Lonely Lover 86: YES
Lonely Lover 86: OMG 8D
Lonely Lover 86: my sister owns it sooooo yes :3 I have many times
SwankyTehDiao: me, and my friends Molly and Mike watched it on Friday
SwankyTehDiao: we were like acting like we were on acid trips
Lonely Lover 86: that movie is an acid trip >>;
SwankyTehDiao: me and Mike started pointing out how every character can be placed someone into almost every shakespearean drama
Lonely Lover 86: HAHAHAHA <3
SwankyTehDiao: cause Mike is in my english class right now, and we just finished Hamlet, and now are doing Macbeth
Lonely Lover 86: ooooh so much Shakespeare *-*
Lonely Lover 86: I LOVE LOVE LOVE Macbeth >>;
SwankyTehDiao: and Molly started it all by saying that Kakihara looks in the tiniest bit like Kenneth Branaugh's Hamlet
Lonely Lover 86: xDDDDD
SwankyTehDiao: and then when the movie ended I came to the conclusion that Kakihara was Ichi
SwankyTehDiao: and possibly Karen as well
Lonely Lover 86: hmm o.o
Lonely Lover 86: I have never figured that movie out
Lonely Lover 86: o.o
SwankyTehDiao: so we came up with the expression "eat me like ichi"
Lonely Lover 86: xDDDDDDD;;;;;
SwankyTehDiao: cause when Kakihara took out his piercings and practically swallowed that guy's hand...
Lonely Lover 86: THAT WAS GREAT 8D
SwankyTehDiao: yeah
Lonely Lover 86: that movie almost made my friend Joe sick ^^;;;
SwankyTehDiao: LoL!
Lonely Lover 86: it was funny
Lonely Lover 86: xD
SwankyTehDiao: we were laughing throughout the ENTIRE thing!
SwankyTehDiao: And when those two guys came at the end... wtf?
SwankyTehDiao: They were like outta no where.
Lonely Lover 86: yeah xDDD I dunno
SwankyTehDiao: Like the one had meatball cat ears!
Lonely Lover 86: that movie is so funny 8D
Lonely Lover 86: xDDD yes!
Lonely Lover 86: I also love Suicide Club/Jisatsu Circle
Lonely Lover 86: seen it??
SwankyTehDiao: So Mike is like "Are they twins?" and I'm like "No, they're Chinese pimps." And he's like "But are they twins?" And i repeated again "They're Chinese pimps."
SwankyTehDiao: And it was all crazy and shit...
SwankyTehDiao: but then started using my brain and realized IT WAS ALTOGETHER POSSIBLE for them to be both twins and chinese pimps. x.x
SwankyTehDiao: it was great
Lonely Lover 86: 8DDDDD in that movie sure
Lonely Lover 86: go for it xD
SwankyTehDiao: And no, I haven't seen Suicide Club. I searched all of NYC for it. Didn't find it. *cries*
SwankyTehDiao: is that a Miike film as well?
Lonely Lover 86: I dunno o.o dun think so??
Lonely Lover 86: it's so GOOD though
SwankyTehDiao: LoL
SwankyTehDiao: yeah, i've wanted to see it for longer than I was into asian music...
Lonely Lover 86: you should.. ;o; I wish you could just like.. come over and watch it ;o;
SwankyTehDiao: i do too <33333
SwankyTehDiao: want me to show you what mike made?
Lonely Lover 86: yus :3
SwankyTehDiao: i promised i'd try to make tshirts cause I have decals
SwankyTehDiao: so he made designs for me molly and him
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/whoopsyousuck/jawdr.jpgLonely Lover 86: skdjflksjdfjldsa
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/whoopsyousuck/kitpi.jpgSwankyTehDiao: and the line... "You unlucky Monkey..." *dies*
I applaud you if you read 1/4 of this... But I dunno, I found it kinda ammusing, so perhaps you will as well...?