1. Your full name? Dannica Nicole
2. Hair Color? blondish-brownish
3. Eye Color? green
4. Hieght? 5' 3/4 (lol)
5. Wieght? ha.. too much = /
6. Favorite Color? blue, pink, & yellow
7. Mother and Father's full names? Debra Ann & Danny Wilson
8. Brothers/Sisters full names? Angela Dawn, Danny Wilson Jr., Phillip Eizal
9. If you could change your whole name, what would it be? Idk...
10. If you could change your hair color, what would it be? I like it the way it is.
11. Your eye color? Blue
12. Would you like to have tan or fair skin? Tan
13. Do you have tan or fair skin? Tan
14. What do you look for in a guy? Sweetness, non-arogant, down to earth, outgoing
15. What's your favorite band or singer? Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
16. If you could have one wish, what would it be? To have all the money I want.
17. Do you beleive there is someone for everyone? Defently.
18. What religion are you? Christian
19. Do you follow that religion? Pretty much
20. Who is your best friend? Kenny :-) (couldn't pick just one girl...)
21. Who do you consider to be your "group" of friends? Amy, Anna, Kenny, Justin, Michael
22. Favorite food? Tacos, cheeseburgers
23. Favorite drink? Water & Sundrop
24. Favorite alcohol? Undecided.
25. Do you do drugs? Nope.
26. If so, which ones? xXxXx
27. Do you get along with your family? Most of the time
28. Who is your boyfriend right now? Kenny
29. If you don't have a boyfriend, who do you like? I love my boyfriend.
30. What are your favorite TV shows? The O.C.
31. Movies? Dirty Dancing, Shrek 2, Lord of the Rings 1-3, Pirates of the Carribean, Edward Scissor Hands, Sweet Home Alabama, The Hot Chick
32. Do you like to read? Yes
33. What are your favorite books? Beauty, The Body of Chris Creed
34. If you had to give up one thing in your life, what wouid it be? Hm... some clothes, I guess?
35. Do you plan on going to college? 2 year community
36. If so, where and what will your major be? Dk.
37. Do you like school? Nope.
38. Why or why not? Because, I DREAD getting up in the morning, I dislike alot of people (arogant ones mostly), & I don't like people telling me what to do.
39. How many CD's do you own? I don't know, some...
40. What kinds of music do you enjoy? All kinds. But mostly old rock, country, and rap.
41. Do you like children? Yes
42. Do you plan on having any? Yeah, eventually.... a long, long, long time away from now.
43. Where do you see yourself in 20 years? Perhaps with a steady job, a family, and healthy hopefully.
44. Do you like what you see? Well, yes.
45. Do you think your smart? At times.
46. Do you ever wish you were somene else? I used to, but now I am pretty satisfied with who I am today.
47. If so, who? xxxxxx
48. Who do you hate with all your heart? I cannot say anyone, I don't HATE anyone at this point.
49. Why do you hate them? xxxxxx
50. Do you trust people? Eh... some people, sometimes....
51. What's your favorite animal? Panda bears, monkeys, crocidiles, & elephants
52. Do you have any pets? Nope.
53. If so, what are they and what are their names? xxxxxx
54. When is your birthday? March 23, 1988
55. Are you afraid of anything? Anyone? Not a person.
56. If so, who and what? I'm afriad of people I love dying.
57. If you do have children later on, what will there full names be? Don't know yet, they always change.
58. What's your favorite subject in school? Probably computer classes.
59. Least favotite? Math
60. Where would you like to live? I am, unlike ALOT of people here, actually content with where I live now. I don't see anything wrong with DC. Yes, it's small, thats the beauty of it. Alot of peoples' arguments are "If you do something... everyone knows", but isnt that the case in most places? I have seen alot of people passionate about where we live by showing off their DC stickers.
61. Why? ^
62. What do yuo think should be diffrent in the world you live in? A bunch of things.
63. Do you see yourself as having morals? I have morals.
64. If so, which ones? Different ones.
65. Are you conservative or liberal? I dk..
66. Describe yourself in 5 words or less. Imaginative, insecure, funny, caring, opinionated
67. Are you afraid to die? I'm not afriad to die, just to loose the ones I love.
68. What do you think happens when you do die? Heaven or Hell
69. Are you a virgin? No.
70. If not, do you wish you were? Not really
71. Where do you currently live? In DC
72. What are you thinking about right now? I'm bored...
73. What kinds of clothes do you typicaly wear? Casual clothes
74. What do you like on your pizza? Pepperoni
75. Did you like this survey? Sure.