Zomg, stuff. So, funny stories to be told! And one annoying story that makes me wanna punch a customer...
So, I got life insurance right. And so, they had to test my blood and shit, and they'd tell me if I qualified or not. Blah blah blah. So, anyway, my mom calls my sister and I hear like bits and pieces of the convo. Sounded like something involving my life insurance, and my sister going "You tell him!" and stuff. She winds up giving me the phone and the convo goes (me and then her):
"The life insurance says you were rejected cause you have diabetes."
"Nah uh. You're lying."
"They did. They're going to give you your money back."
"I don't believe you. Or them. You're all liars!"
"They told me you have diabetes."
"I gave blood last year and this year. If I had diabetes, they would have rejected my blood."
"Well they said you do, so they said you can either stop drinking soda for 3 months or cancel your life insurance."
"No, I'm getting tested."
"So you're going to stop drinking for 3 months? Or are you canceling?"
"No! I'm going to a doctor and I'm going to be tested by a professional."
"Okay... You can talk to the guy on Sunday. He's going to go to the store."
"Okay. Bye."
Convo with my sister (me and then her):
"She's a liar!! They're liars! ALL LIARS!!"
"Why would she lie? And the life insurance? If the life insurance wanted your money, they wouldn't lie and reject your life insurance."
"Well, if mom found out that I had diabetes, she would be freakin out and wanting me to go to the doctors and get meds, but she just wants me to stop drinking for 3 months. And I'm pretty sure diabetes doesn't go away by just not drinking soda for 3 months."
"I don't know, Danny, I doooon't know."
*phone rings again* *sister gives me the phone* (me and mom again)
">.> The life insurance called and they said they called about the wrong person."
And yeah, that was her plot to try and get me to stop drinking soda.
So, cute-funny story involving dinner with Anna. We went to this restaurant, a thai place, and then we finished dinner, blah blah blah. And after dinner, we got dessert, this strawberry cake thing. So we were playing with our food, I took the chocolate sauce (that the waitress put on our place in the shape of a heart, cuuute) and wrote a big "Thank You" on the plate. Later we wrote ♥ D+A on there as well. Anyway, I looked at the cake and was like "Hm, I should feed Anna this cake... Hm... Anna's going to feed me cake. Oop, she's scooping some now... wait for it... yep, she's going to feed me cake. *scoops quickly and feeds her cake at the same time*" Yay mind reading! XD
For those who know, I work at my mom's store on Sundays. She owns a beer/grocery store thinger. So this customer comes in and he's all...
"I want a 40 of Private Stock (beer)."
"We're all out. You want a 6-pack?"
"*I go and get the beer* *put it on the table.*"
"*Flips over the beer and looks around*"
"O.o... *thinks to self: is he looking for an expiration date...?"
"What's this say? I can't read it."
"One hundred, sixty-eight (10068)."
"I don't want this. It's stale."
"It says 100, 68."
"I know what it says. It's expired."
"No... it's 1-0-0, 6-8. That's not a date."
"This beer is stale. I don't want it."
"There's FIVE numbers, not SIX. Dates have SIX numbers."
"No, this beer expired on Oct. 6th."
"No, this is a serial number. Beer doesn't have an expiration date."
"It's stale. I don't want it! *leaves*"