Pretty Stupid

Aug 29, 2008 22:22

Title: Pretty Stupid
Author: stttmsbwa
Pairing/Characters: Spencer/Drake, Carly, Sam
Rating: PG
Summary: Spencer bakes, Carly and Sam study, and Drake gets in the way.
A/N: Okay, so apparently my Word program was just a trial and it expired today and I can't copy what I had written for At The Time and am now really upset and tired and cranky due to moving into college today and I all wanted was to finish my story and post it so I could share the love. But apparently that isn't going to happen any time soon. So, because I need to release the crack inside of me, I'm just going to do what I can.

Sam and Carly sat at the kitchen table, faces buried deep in their Algebra books. The girls were stressing over a really huge test on double variables and had spent the last three hours buring their eyes over reworking problems.

Spencer was baking them cookies, in the hopes of improving their moods and their energy levels.

"Drake, if you eat any more chocolate chips, there aren't going to be enough for the cookies. Get away from there!"

Spencer waved a wooden spoon at Drake, who ducked and laughed.

"C'mon Spence. There's two bags here."

Pulling said bags away from Drake and closer to the mixing bowl, Spencer glared at the musician and went back to work. Drake smirked at the mixing Spencer and walked over to the study table.

Carly and Sam were scribbling away, dying slowly by mathamatical equations - or at least Drake thought, due to their pained expressions and their pencil clutching hands.

Sam finally snapped. The pencil. Right in half.

"ARGHH! I can't stand Algebra! I want it to die a slow and painful death, with lots of pain and lots of death!"

Throwing her head onto her open book, Sam groaned and moaned, her body twitching every so often. Carly sighed and patted the other girl's back.

"It's gonna be okay, Sam. I promise."


Carly turned to Spencer with a look of desperation. "How much longer on those cookies?"

Spencer was balling up pieces of dough with his fingers, tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth as he concentrated on his job.

"Not. Now. Busy."

All of a sudden, Sam gasped and shot her head up.

"Drake! You! You're so amazing, you must be able to help us!"

Eyes widening in horror, Drake squished up his nose and held his hands up. "Whoa, sister. You've got the wrong rock star. If I recall correctly, I flunked Algebra in high school, almost twice."

Sam shook her head, her crazy blonde curls bouncing about and hitting Carly smack in the face.

"No, I know you're pretty stupid in that department. I mean you can use your awesome Drake powers to get us out of this test. At least for a day!"

Drake smiled and nodded his head before thinking and then scowling. "Hey! I'm not that stupid. I passed the second time."

Sam ignored Drake and turned to Carly. "Do you think if we brought Drake to school with us and got him to play or something, we'd get out of the test? I mean, come on! It's Drake Parker!"

Carly frowned. "I dunno. Mr. Meyers is so serious about this test that he might even make Drake take it if he comes to school with us."

Drake gagged and shook his head. "Drake Parker? Does not do tests. Never ever again."

Twisting her face up into a mangled mess, Sam clutched at her head with her hands, fingernails digging into her scalp.

"Well, if I take this test tomorrow, I'm gonna die."

Drake bit his lip and thought for a moment. After a few seconds, an idea struck him.

"Give me a piece of paper and something to write with."

Carly obliged, sliding a sheet of loose leaf and a pencil towards Drake. He quickly picked up the pencil and scrawled on the paper, handing it to Carly when he was done.

"'Please excuse Sam and Carly from any test taking for the next three days. They have serious injuries to their spleens and cannot write, read or bathe over this time period without awful consequences. Yours truly, The Doctor.'"

Drake snapped his fingers. "Knew I was forgetting something." He snatched the paper out of Carly's hands and scrawled a little more. Carly took the paper back and snorted.

"'Yours truly, Bob The Doctor.'"

Sam leaned over Carly's shoulder to take a look. "Wow. That's... Wow."

Carly giggled and folded the note in half. "Thanks Drake. I'm sure the teacher will, well, yeah."

The girls exchanged looks and tried their best to contain their laughter.

Looking so proud, Drake walked back to Spencer, who was loading his first tray of cookies into the oven. Shutting the door, he turned to Drake and frowned.

"Why didn't I ever think of doing that when I was in high school?"

Drake grinned and grabbed Spencer by his apron, pulling him closer.

"You aren't Drake Parker."

The two men smiled at each other, leaning closer and closer, lips so close to touching, Drake's mouth watering at the thought of Spencer's sweet tasting mouth, Spencer imagining the chocolate coating Drake's tongue would have after all those stolen chips -

"You guys better not be making out in front of our cookies! We're gonna eat those and we don't need your smooching infecting them!"

"Don't listen to Carly! The cookies need the smooching! Go right ahead!"

Spencer and Drake burst into laughter, foreheads touching as they snuck a quick kiss in.

A few seconds past by.

"Drake Parker! Get your fingers out of the cookies batter! NOW!"

drake parker/spencer shay, fic, author: stttmsbwa

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