I can't speak french but heee I'm hoping someone will teach me. Have you talked to my best friend, Mandy? She's going to teach me french, I think, so I can speak to you.
Mandy... Mlle. Brocklehurst, oui? But yes, I have. She was very kind.
I speak l'anglais assez bien, mais... pardon, but as I say, l'écriture is a matter completely different. Me, I think improvement will come only with la pratique.
Comments 47
Can you speak english? I think you can. Heeee.
I speak l'anglais assez bien, mais... pardon, but as I say, l'écriture is a matter completely different. Me, I think improvement will come only with la pratique.
Hello, Fleur. Nice to see you again. How're you doing?
Très bien, merci... better even after pleasing conversation. Et comment vas-tu?
We should get together some time when my head's not about to explode.
And I will assume that 'head about to explode', it is a metaphor. If it is not, it is just too much a mess.
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