Your Mommy Kills Animals - Really well put together doco on animal rights, animal welfare and some stupidity on all sides. It managed to give really wide coverage of all the issues and interested parties, yet also managed to go in depth on a lot of things.
Glue - Slow and boring. While there was some potential for some interesting things to happen, nothing ever did. Seemed like 100 minutes of padding just so that they could show a 16 year old MMF bi makeout scene.
My Friend and his Wife - Passable, if a bit long, love triangle movie. Had some moments, but left you feeling detached from the characters for the most part.
Mister Lonely - Had a sprinkling of good moments covered in a pile of slow stupid boring crap. Tried ever so hard to be absurdist and quirky, but ended up just being painfully stupid.
Joe Strummer: The Future is Unwritten - Really good, interesting doco. Really great stuff about punk and politics and everything. Had occasional 'wtf are they doing here?' moments (johnny depp? john cusack? bono?), but for the most part interesting people with interesting things to say.
The Signal - Fun and clever horror film about people going crazy and not quite realizing that they are. Got a little bit uncomfortably violent at times, but for the most part really interesting and fun.