Hansel and Gretel - Pretty standard telling of the story. Children's acting a little bit weak. Overall well done, but nothing too exciting.
The Blood of Yingzhou District - Interesting subject, but a very by the book doco. Tried to pull on the heartstrings but just left me feeling detatched.
Sargy Mann - Interesting - I think mainly just to watch a painter go through the thought process behind his work rather than the fact that he was blind. Was a little bit too home-movie, but really interesting.
Children - Meh. Wasn't sure if the film wasn't good at explaining itself or if I just stopped paying attention at points, but there were a few plot points that completely passed me by. Had a couple of nice moody scenes, but overall didn't care much.
Interview - Really liked it - the end was a little bit weak, but the character interaction for most of the movie was great.
Bug - Took a really long time to get going, but the whole heap of crazy at the end was a great payoff.