song title: 숨 (feat. Sean 2 Slow)/ Breath (feat. Sean 2 Slow)
artist: Dynamic Duo
album: 4집 Last Days : 최후의 날 (Last Days)
track no: 14 (the last track on the disc)
requested by:
sweetgelatot/n: "숨" can mean (in a certain context) "to breathe" or "a breath"; both verb and noun; other translator's notes in [] brackets.
sean2slow> yea- I know where I’m at
당신이 허락하니 난 할 수 있어 더 갈수 있어
since you allowed it, i can do it, i can go more
So I’m taking a break right here
with no fear
[Chorus] x2
비바람이 앞길을 막을 때면
when and if the rain and wind stop me in my way
올라가다 가다 나 지칠 때면(숨)
when and if i get tired as i go go up (breathe)
깊게 들이마시고 뱉어(숨)
deeply inhale it then spit it out (breathe)
깊게 들이마시고 뱉어
deeply inhale it then spit it out
Choiza>난 최자 the finalist 오로지 특기는 하나
i'm the best the finalist my only specialty is one
랩하기 하지만 날 지켜주는 무기는 많아
it's that i rap but, there are many weapons that protect me
첫 번째 무기는 평범한 내 얼굴
the first weapon is my commonplace face
실력만으로 인정받게 해 주신 부모님 선물
so that i can be known only for my skills, it is a gift from my parents
절대 거품 허풍 따윈 싫어하는 성품이 두 번째
the second is my nature that hates bubbles, exaggeration
난 내 자신을 냉정하게 분석해
i analyze myself very strictly
어떤 유혹도 날 끌고 가진 못해
no temptation can take me over
아무리 좋은 말이라도 머리를 쳐 무섭게
no matter how good the word is, it [or "i"] hit my head heavily
한길만 파라셨던 신의 분부
the way of the god whose way was only clear
따라서 한눈 팔지 않았어 혓바닥 쿵푸
i followed and didn't bat an eye to anything else, tongue kung-fu
난 꾸준한 노력으로 한계란 알을 깨는 새
i'm a bird that breaks through the egg with my endless hardwork
주신 능력을 다 썼기를 바래 나 주님을 뵐 때
i hope that i have used all the skills i was given when i meet the Lord
gaeko>난 제일 싫어 왕년의 챔피언 이란 말
i hate the words the most 'a champion of the glory days'
부지런하게 드넓은 필드 위를 달리는 말
a busily running horse on a spacious field
난 항상 겸손하게 자세를 낮춰 도마뱀처럼
i'm always humbly lowering myself like a lizard
욕심은 엄마가 자식 밥 덜어주는 만큼 덜어
my greed is the same amount as a mother doling out rice to her kid
한번뿐인 인생 목숨 걸어 스파르타 300의 용사처럼
in the life i've only got one of, i risk my life like sparta 300's brave warriors
치명적인 유혹 들어 한 타를 위해 볼을 걸러내듯
like i'm filtering out my ball over one other because i've been taken over by a fatal temptation
걸러내고 홈런 쳐 I’m slugger
i filter it out then i hit a home run I'm slugger
명품 백 없어도 난 열정이라는 빽 있어
even though i don't have a brand name bag, i have the backing of passion [t/n: it's a pun on "bag" and "back" which are english words written in korean. they sound slightly similar in hangeul.]
나태함이랑 나 사이엔 내 옷장처럼 갭 있어
there is a gap between my laziness and me like my closet
난 천천히 정상을 향한 계단 올라가네
i'm slowly climbing the stairs, going to the apex
승리의 여신은 항상 내 심장과 신발에
victory's goddess is always at my heart and shoes [t/n: he means "nike"]
Breath in breath outx2
깊게 들이마시고 뱉어(숨)
deeply inhale it then spit it out (breathe)
깊게 들이마시고 뱉어
deeply inhale it then spit it out
Gaeko>탁주처럼 쓰디쓴 현실 흥분을 홍어처럼 삭혀
the reality that is bitter like hard liquor. i ferment my excitement like skates [t/n: "skates" as in the sea animal. Koreans eat skate meat after fermenting it.]
눈물을 닦고 나는 오늘도 달려 can`t stop uh!!
i wipe my tears and i run today as well can't stop uh!!
뼈가 연필처럼 깎여도 내 가치는 안 깎여 운명을 바꿔
even if my bones get shaved like a pencil, my worth does not get shaved. change my fate.
내발은 아직도 바뻐
my foot is still busy.
Choiza>꾸준히 떨어지는 땀방울들은 바위조차 뚫어
My steaily falling sweat drops hole through rock
나는 쉬지 않는 거북이 많은 토끼들을 울려
i'm a non-resting turtle i make lots of rabbits cry
내 주가는 물가처럼 올라서 여러 명을 굶겨
because my stocks goes up like the prices [t/n: "of consumer goods"], a lot of people starve
나는 계속 꿈꿔 만족이란 감정은 깊이 숨겨
i keep dreaming and hide deeply the feeling called satisfaction
이 세상에 혼자 감당 할 수 없는 일들이 참 많잖아
in this world, there are a lot of things that you can't handle along
좀 쉬어가란 이야기겠지
it probably means that you should take rests while living
영원히 숨이 쉬기 전까지
until you forever stop breathing
So u let it in & out and keeps on
그 다음 살아있다는 걸 보여줄 차례, yea i just got started
after that, it's your turn to show that you're alive, yea i just got started
믿음이 답이야 우리인생 안엔
belief is the answer in our lives
Take it slow ma man, take ur time. Word up!
Take it slow ma ma, tak ur time. Word up!