Thotz, jobs, and memes~

Jul 14, 2008 18:25

Since I have a new job, and thus different hours, I can finally go to church again! Our normal pastor was away, which is a good thing (he's charismatic and kinda nice, but he has a bunch of crazy ideas, like that Jesus was just another man and not related to God at all) - so we had a nice traditional sermon and etc. It's awesome how everything we talked about seemed to be precisely what was relevant to what was going on in my life... also, hymns, as always, are fun~

favourite hymn of the day, the Servant's Song:
1. Brother, let me be your servant.
Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I might have the grace
To let you be my servant, too.

2. We are pilgrims on a journey.
We are brothers on the road.
We are here to help each other
Walk the mile and bear the load.

3. I will hold the Christ-light for you
In the night time of your fear.
I will hold my hand out to you;
Speak the peace you long to hear.

4. I will weep when you are weeping.
When you laugh, I'll laugh with you.
I will share your joy and sorrow
Till we've seen this journey through.

5. When we sing to God in heaven,
We shall find such harmony
Born of all we've known together
Of Christ's love and agony.

Kinda generic hymnfare, but especially the first verse, is really how I try to live my life. To try to help people in any way I can.

So, I now work basically 40 hours a week at the Superstore, the local supergrocery store, stocking shelves. It's really repetitive and somewhat frustrating, especially when dealing with overstock, but there are some pluses. I'm now making about five times what I did before, and a lot of my friends work there, as well as running into old classmates all the time. And of course, plenty of opportunities to check out chicks, and DAMN. That's definitely the best part of the job, right there. xD ... though it's not really a part of the job, per se.
(But srsly. there was this one girl, goth-book type, with emo glasses and the most amazing/sexy hair I have ever seen - it was like fluffed and layered and curled in this sweet ponytail, it was like omg)
(and this other girl from my bio class, who is like really nerdy but in a hot way, like she has the glasses, the slightly frizzled curly hair, the really slender body, decent-*shot*)
(also, this was this really cute Asian girl who was wandering around looking kinda lost, being all slender and sweet and klutzy, so of course since I can pretend it's part of the job. so I asked her if there was anything I could help her with, and lo and behold I get to lead her around the story looking for all the stuff she was looking for. xD score.)
(but yeah. epic hawtness all around)

Really random thotz are random:
I totally going to marry an asian someday. Seriously, they're just like too cute. xD

Writer's Meme: it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five to ten favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
1. Meadows of Heaven
Really random, but. xD It's a Bomberman: The Second Attack and Golden Sun crossover. xDD Combining my two favourite fandoms, and everyone's favourite characters... with a central focus of mortal/immortal dynamics, love, Baelfael as a villainish type, epic fight scenes (everyone vs. Dullahan and Karst vs. Bael, anyone?), awesome dynamics and relationship interplays in general, the first time I fell in love with Agatio and thus Agatio/Jenna... oh yeah. It's not finished, but really awesome. xD Also, title taken from the uber-epic Nightwish song of the same name:

2. Through the Fire and Flames
My entry for the original-character contest at GSR. It's a far-far prequel to the events of Golden Sun, with the initial creation of the Lighthouses and the dawn of the Golden Age. I've had this idea in mind for literally years, and though it was originally supposed to be a full-length fic, I managed to constrict it into about 20,000 words - and I love it. xD It uses a vignette style, my favourite, to show a scene from the protags childhood, then his formative teen years, as a young man, and then finally in his mid-30s, during the epic final battle. And about 80% of this fic is fight scene. xD But despite that, I managed to work in a lot of interesting dynamics, like a camaraderie between the main character and villain, an extinct race of giants who lived near Lalivero, and a Black Dragon summon named Abraxas, who was destroyed.
Also, Yegelos and Hoabna yay.
Song inspired, of course, by the epic Dragonforce song of the same name:

3. Unravelling
My Christmas fic to the lovely Sora-san. =3 A prequel (of course!) to TSA, detailing Ruk and Lilith discovering the Celestial Stone and the badassery that ensues, with some tie-ins to post-Bomberman Jetterz, and some imagery that I looved writing. The main heart of the fic all takes place on the planet Kaos (which is fluffy pastel pink with coral-like trees xD), and it was really my first foray into sci-fi - I really enjoyed it. Of course, there's the tack-on immediately-after TSA part two, just for fun 'cause the first one was so depressing. xD It still stands as probably my only complete contribution to the Bomberman fandom, though. >_>

4. Fivefold Star
My first fanfic~ and although my writing style was teh brutes technically back then, I really had the spark of just writing for the fun of it, and not worrying what anyone thought. xD I got 150,000 words in under a year, and completed the whole fanfic - I love the characters I created there, as well, and even today they're probably my favourites in the GS fandom. They had brilliant dynamics, and some fun personalities (especially douchebag Aleos xD) - I really want to rewrite it and completely revamp the plot and go in-depth into some awesome potential things I missed the first time, but at the same time, I don't want to put that much effort into something at a stage where I'm starting to write some original fiction - I want something I can use in life.
Anyway, concept is the sealing of the Lighthouses to end the Golden Age, using the mortal-human selves of the Dullahan, the Valukar, Star Magician, Sentinel, and the Wise One, with them being locked into a primitive hell when they were twisted into their monster forms. Also, Regnoare, world (or Temple, at least!) renowned badass and Luna's Representative, originated from here.

5. A Nightly Visitation
Meh, another fic that was supposed to be massive full-length, but got compressed due to a GSR contest. xD This one was playing with the concept that Proxians became vampires when they died (what? Karst with red eyes and all looks the role), and is vaguely/disturbingly duskshipping in that Karst hunts down and kills Felix, turning him into a vampire, and then there's a massive spate of killings across Vale from Felix, who's a much less refined/high level vampire than Karst, almost mad with bloodlust. He ends up killing and turning Jenna in a slightly incestuous scene. >_>
Also, Karst finally gets her revenge on Isaac. yey

Hmm, since Draco tagged half my FL, and I don't know who else writes... I'll tag Vyctori. xD and I think that's it? Anyone else is welcome to do it if they want to, though. ~_^
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