I still haven't decided how I feel about the episode in general. I mean, in typical LOST fashion it raised tons more questions, but it just felt weird. I don't know. Working on liking it.
Now, to the
spoilers and theories.
1. Alright, even though she had that important message for Sawyer, I feel they could have just gotten her out and buried her and then Miles could have heard something. I didn't like that they made us see Sawyer lose her again. HEARTBREAKING. Their romance was the only one (Aside from pre-established marriages) that I've actually liked this whole series, and seeing Sawyer lose Juliet a second time was just too much, and I feel it was a tad superfluous.
2. I feel like the writers had a conversation that went like this: 'we've had flashbacks, and flashforwards...what other direction can we go in? I know, SIDEWAYS!'. SO yes, I think it's an alternate reality thing going on at the same time as what we're seeing on the island, or a few years prior, I guess. My father hypothesized that in order to get to that alternate reality, they on the island have to die. I think that may be true, and when they die they take their memories of what happened on the island with them and remember everything.
3. Wow, I wasn't of one of the people who thought Esau (I'll keep calling him Esau even if his name turns out to be something else) was Smokey, but as soon as the monster appeared, I realized it was. And a smart monster, too, to knock Mr. Muscles out of that circle.
Alright, because of time, I'm doing my theories now and not hitting every highlight of the show.
Sayid is dead and in the alternate reality, and now Jacob is in Sayid's body, the way that Esau is in Locke's.
The chains Esau mentioned to Richard...I've read someone's thoughts that they may be talking about his immortality, which would be cool, but it's also possible that Richard came over on the Black Rock, and was chained there? Just a thought. That might be making the mistake of thinking literally with this show, but hey, why not?
That's it for now. ACtual update post coming soon, maybe!