Snagged from
Your Name Starts With A: B
Rules: Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following...They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up! If you can't think of anything, skip it. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. Athlete: Babe Ruth
2. 4 Letter Word: Bite
3. Street Name: Broadway
4. Color: Blue
5. Gifts/Present: Brownies (the gift that keeps on giving, mmm)
6. Vehicle: Bronco
7. Tropical Location: Bahamas
8. College Major: Biology
9. Dairy Product: Bleu cheese
10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Bitty figurines
11. Boy Name: Bob
12. Girl Name: Britt
13. Movie Title: Bring it On
14. Beer: Budweiser
15. Occupation: Bodyguard
16. Flower: Begonia
17. Celebrity: Alexis Bledel (Bledel starts with B)
18. Magazine: Brides
19. U.S. City: Boston
20. Pro Sports Team: Boston Red Sox
21. Food: Brownies
22. Zoo Animal: Boa Constrictor
23. Non-Zoo Animal: Baby kitten
24. Game: Bop It
25. Toy: Ball
26. Article of Clothing: Bell bottoms
27. Hobby: Boating
28. Means of Travel: Boat
29. Appliance: Blender
30. Body Part: Boobs