Really Ken Starr? Seriously? It's not enough that LGBT folk can't get married because of that fucking stupid Prop 8, but now you're going after the folks that did manage to get married? Why?! Did one of them want to have their wedding (or wedding night) on your front lawn? Did one of your idiot children (if you even had children) ask you what gays
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What is the rebellyon I hear you ask? So I don't know if all of you know about the whole deal between Amanda Palmer and her label RoadRunner Records but here's the sitch
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a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question
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Now anyone who knows me, knows I am horrible with sending out Christmas cards. I have the best of intentions, I'll buy the cards but either I'll get them all filled out and just somehow never get around to sending them OR they silently taunt me from inside the box and never get filled out & mailed
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So, back in like the beginning of October, I wrote an entry about how Amanda Palmer and the Danger Ensemble were looking for folks to feed them in the various cities they are rolling through. I emailed the contact person (a chap named Steven) and pretty much crossed my fingers with glee
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If you saw me in a police car, what would you think I got arrested for? Answer, then if you want, post to your own journal and see how many crimes you get accused of.