Ahh lauren wells!! dude i havn't talked to you in forever. You are completely beautiful and so sweet. Even though i havn't really seen you very much since like...6th grade. Awhh girll well you always look so cute at school and i love your outfits and your personality. You are really nice to...haha basiclyy everyone!!! You are just so sweet, and your eyes are REALLY SUPER PRETTY!!! <3
Courtney faith paul. You are so great. I'm sooo happy to have your friendship. We've known eachother since...like preschool? And i've loved you always. We've had such great times together and i love being around you because you always know how to make me smile. You are so gorgeous, for real girl you are so pretty. Everytime i think about you i smile. I miss hanging out with you though girl. So we should do that sometime soon. <3
thanks mal, i think you are amazing, you have gotten so pretty this year. [you were so pretty last year but this year is lik WOAH!] you're funny, dont bring people down, you know how to have fun without getting CrUnK. I love you for you and so does everyone else. you are not the kind of girl to follow the crowd, you have always been you and noone else. i respect you for that i looove you ♥
Taryn peacock!! Oh wow i love you girlie. From the first time i met you at brocks baseball games when we used to play barbies together on the side of the field until now you are just such a sweet person. I really love being in english with you because you always make me laugh//smile. You have such a cute style and are just so incredible all the time. You are really smart and a good artist. You are a talented writer and i really admire you for how you are. You always have a way of putting people at ease and are friendly towards everyone. I really love you <3
Kayla frost!! those aren't golf balls...golf balls don't float. hahaha. We've had some times dudee. such as thong shopping and being small at mini town. I miss hanging out with you every class of the day. You're really nice and a great friend to have. Its cool that we can hardly talk yet go shopping together and it's like we havn't spent any time apart. You're awesomeeee <3
Bueno Nacho.....my CFB4L dude. OH mannn how much we rock. I MISS PE with a fiery burning passion dude. THat class was soo mcuh fun making fun of dustin and ashley lol. You are sooo funny holy cow dude, i miss talkin to you! You are such a sweet person and you have an incredible personality. You are soo cool i just hope some of it rubbed off on me dude =]. haha. I love my buenooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Comments 50
[: ♥
i think you are amazing, you have gotten so pretty this year. [you were so pretty last year but this year is lik WOAH!] you're funny, dont bring people down, you know how to have fun without getting CrUnK. I love you for you and so does everyone else. you are not the kind of girl to follow the crowd, you have always been you and noone else. i respect you for that i looove you
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