What the bloody hell??? I talked to Pansy today... *fumes*
daphne hwl: Daphne sat in the library, lost in thought. Her main thoughts had been thinking about the talk she had had with Professor Lupin the other night. She was still thinking about what she had to do. She hadn't talked to Harry lately either. She sighed.
Pansyhwl: Pansy enterd the library softly rubing her bandaged hand ,looking lost in tought at the many books on the shelves.what she was realy aiming for was the restricted section,but she didn't have a pass nor an invissibilitygloak so she could only pass it with a sigh.that was when she noticed daphne sitting at one of the many tables.she hesitated but walked up to her slowly taking the chair opposite her and sitting down gracefully
daphne hwl: Daphne looked up to see Pansy sitting across from her. "Hello," she said cooly, nodding her head to the raven haired girl. "Haven't seen you in a few days."
Pansyhwl: Pansy frowned "i havn't seen *you*either"she mumbled opening her bookbag to take out a purple leather book."something wrong?"she asked suspiciously raising a brow.
daphne hwl: Daphne rolled her eyes. "Yes, my life is going great," she answered sarcastically. She turned the pages on the book she had been reading. "Sorry, things just aren't going so great, but I'm getting better, I guess." She shrugged. "I haven't seen anybody around the last couple of days."
Pansyhwl: "i know what you mean"she said coldly ,replaying the scene with harry earlier"if it's any consulation,my life hasn't been all roses and moonligh either" she sighed opening her book and scribbeling something down with her black and purple quil.
daphne hwl: Daphne decided to see what was bothering her friend. "What's been going on with you? Unless you don't feel like sharing." She sat back and closed her book.
Pansyhwl: "scarhead"she mutterd simply not looking up from her homework" i want to torture him..like really torture him,rip his toes and fingernails off and pour rubbing alcohol on the wounds.that kind of torture" she sneered scrapping something on her parchment so violently it ripped"damnit"she cursed getting a new one
daphne hwl: Daphne frowned. "Harry?"
daphne hwl: She sighed. "What'd he do?"
Pansyhwl: "yes harry ,boy who fucking lived to my displeasure" she sighed and looked up"the short version? refuse my help and friendship"
daphne hwl: "Why?" She was a little confused. "Can you explain what happened? I'm not getting it."
Pansyhwl: she made a face,clearly irritated but continued "i offerd to help him with draco,i was nice to him..and he refused it" she shrugged and looked down at her parchement "we split up yelling things at eachother"she was nibbeling on her bottomlip "i don't need him anyway,only reason i even wanted to try was because...well draco"she sighed
daphne hwl: Daphne sighed. "Well Pansy, he's still confused about stuff with Draco in the first place, which is why I haven't bothered him about it." She shrugged. "This is kind of something he has to work out himself, well him and Draco."
Pansyhwl: she rolled her eyes "yes well,he *still* could have been bloody nicer"she wrinkled her nose "i don't want to talk about it really"she closed her book and a picture of blaise zabinni fell out.she blushed and tucked it away quickly ,looking back up at daphne "so what's been happening with you today?"
daphne hwl: Daphne jumped up and snatched the book out of Pansy's hands, shaking the photograph out of it. "Why the bloody hell are you carrying around a picture of Blaise Zabini??" She narrowed her eyes. "You like him don't you? I knew it."
Pansyhwl: Pansy blinked "yes i told you he's hot" she snagged the picture back and frowned "what's it to you anyways?"
daphne hwl: Daphne shrugged, determined not to jump up and slap Pansy across the face. "Forget it," she said with a frown, opening up the book she had been reading and scanning the pages again
daphne hwl: Ugh, I can't believe she likes Blaise she thought with a scowl behind the book. She lowered it and looked at Pansy and then frowned again.
Pansyhwl: "no i'm not forgetting it" she rolled her eyes "aww no!don't tell me you fucking like him too?!" oh fuck,i can't believe this
daphne hwl: Daphne rolled her eyes. "Uh...no kidding!" She scowled. No fucking way. I refuse to "compete" with her like this, cause I know she will. "I thought I told you that Pansy! I wasn't kidding before. Did you think I was joking or something?"
Pansyhwl: "well,i'm sorry but you didn't exactly *SAY* you liked him!" gods of all the people why does it have to be her? pansy crossed her arms and huffed "he's probably gay anyways"
daphne hwl: Daphne scowled. "Yes I did! The other week! I told you!" Why the fuck is she carrying around a photo of him?? What is she, like stalking him? Merlin, I'm not that bad.
Pansyhwl: she looked down at the photograph.."look this is stupid,i'm not going to fight with you over a guy who probably doesn't like girls that way" she threw the picture of blaise on daphne's book
daphne hwl: Daphne picked up the picture and ripped it up. "That's dumb carrying around a photo of him where he could probably find it." She took the ripped shards and magiced them away. She dusted her hands and cleared her throat. "I'm not going to fight with you over it either, I don't fight over guys Pansy." She rolled her eyes. "It's pointless."
Pansyhwl: she narrowed her eyes "it was in my book,he can't find it there"she crossed her arms"and yes i agree" he's going to choose her anyways
daphne hwl: Daphne shrugged. "You never know. And alright then, we've come to a mutual agreement that we won't fight over a guy who's probably into guys anyways."
Pansyhwl: she nodded and shook daphne's hand "if it would turn out he likes girls,wich i doubt ..we'll play it honest and let him descide" like i have a chance
daphne hwl: "Alright then." Fuck he'd pick Pansy, she's such a flirt, she'd keep a guy like him on his toes.
Pansyhwl: pansy smiled and looked down"allright,well atleast we go that out of our system"she got up and starded packing her stff "but i should really go to the commonroom"maybe draco will be there "youknow peace of mind and all"
daphne hwl: Daphne nodded. "Alright then, see you. I'm gonna stay here and finish this." She held up the book and clamped it shut quickly when the corner of a piece of parchment slid out. Merlin, I hope she didn't see that. I suppose it is a bit stalkerish to carry around an owl he sent me.
Now all I'm wondering is what the hell is wrong with me? I never fight over guys like this with anybody, yet I'm feeling...threatened? She's always been the best looking, the flirtiest...I don't know. Whatever. I don't care anymore. I need to go for a walk again...like I always do. *rolls eyes*