it's really just a punk night I guess. some friends of mine want to go. I don't think you would enjoy it on Fridays. the music was really good for much of tonight!
no problem dude! I actually thought about that while I was posting this stuff. I was like "man, Nick Curtain is gonna be bummed he missed out on this one..." also, Clint told me there were some people there who knew you. I think one of them was a girl named Donna. I will have to get him to give me the details again.
OH MAN i had lots of fun at that party and definetly dont remember passing out, aparently someone told kyle the girl that we were terrible party guests, but i really believe that we were in top form...
club hell this friday definetly, roll call thus far: me, cassi, meg, belushi, julia, nixie, wesley, crusty tim tim (most likely), mary, kyle the girl (most likely), and maybe more! hahah
yeah whatever. anybody who thought you guys were bad party guests were fucking laim! having you guys there made the party way more fun!! it was hilarious when I saw you and Dan slumped against each other on against the wall in the basement. hahaha. the music was blaring, people were dancing around you, but you guys were totally out.
I think Dan and Tim spilled beer on people, but they chilled out after Buzz asked them to stop. You guys weren't bad at all. Everyone I've spoken to remembers your crazy antics fondly!
yeah, I miss partying with you too! I may come to Amherst on Saturday. I have to get my car's breaks fixed in the morning. I've wanted to go out there for a full weekend for quite a while, but something always comes up.
Comments 20
I'll be there tonihgt!
I'm not entirely impressed by what I have seen of the friday night stuff... Do you know if it is any fun?
club hell this friday definetly, roll call thus far: me, cassi, meg, belushi, julia, nixie, wesley, crusty tim tim (most likely), mary, kyle the girl (most likely), and maybe more! hahah
Friday at Hell sounds good!
I miss dancing with you dudes. :(
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