So I'm in Doncaster, UK and quite a lot has happened. I just got my phone back today and if anyone is trying to contact me my number is 07534 385957 or 011 447534 385957 depending on where you are calling from. (Mbwalji? Saebah?) I'm at Caribbean hotel which is quite nice
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Comments 6
I can't find fasticulation anywhere.
Diabetic amyotrophy peripheral neuropathy fasciculation
Diabetic = of or associated with diabetes (Diabet/o + -ic)
Amyotrophy = without muscle strength (A- + my/o + -trophy)
Peripheral = Few different meanings, but given the context of nerves probably means peripheral nervous system, which is any nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.
Nueropathy = nerve disease (Neur/o + -pathy)
Fasciculation = condition pertaining to the connective tissue of the muscles; generally, muscle tremors (Fasci/o + -ic + -ation)
So....nerve disease of the peripheral nervous system causing muscle weakness and tremors in the peripheral nervous system, said conditions occurring as a result of diabetes.
It's a mouthful no matter how you break it down, I guess. :P
All I wanted to do was take my insulin, but they wouldn't let me do that either...
Well, from what I've seen it's not a very common condition. Muscle weakness and tremors like that aren't the standard diabetic neuropathy. And they're generally just a side effect of any other disease (Parkinson's, Lou Gehrigs, etc.)
Totally out of curiosity, have you ever had a HbA1c, or an A1c test? Glycosolated hemoglobin test is another name.
More importantly, at least to me, did you see Jenn before you left? She was really looking forward to it.....
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