I just finished season one of Battlestar Galactica. And, well, wow. I also watched the deleted scenes, and can I just say:
"If you manage to get into her pants, I'll join you" ???!!! :) And yet, how pissed off she was when they actually did have sex!
The ability of the Cylons to get pregnant raises all sorts of questions. (And oh, oh, maybe their spines don't glow whenever they have sex, but only when they get pregnant?! Except it's not clear if any of the Sixes were actually pregnant, or if the baby is Helo and Boomer's. At least that would explain why the spine-glowing was never noticed!!) As does this thing about one god proclaiming he was superior to all the rest. Trying to map it onto Greek mythology, that doesn't work, although there were certainly more gods than the twelve Olympians; while it's obvious that this one "superior" god is the Cylon god, it's impossible to pursue that with Classical references, since the Judeo-Christian god and the Greco-Roman gods were never set in opposition to each other on the same page. Unlike the Norse gods and the Christian god, I might point out, in which case there were definite my-god-is-better-than-yours clashes.
I also am fairly sure that the Six on Caprica beat up Kara strictly because she was pissed off about Baltar, not for any Cylon-motivated-plan. Which is hilarious. We already know that she shares emotions with the Six that was sleeping with Baltar because of the upset-face she made when talking about human love back in "Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down." And all the Sharons know everything that Boomer#1 knew. How the Sixes are connected to the one in Baltar's mind (or whatever) is still entirely mysterious, but I think that the other copies are aware of her.
I wonder if anything will happen with Boxey. I'd completely forgotten about him until I watched the deleted scenes, in which he featured prominently as a total space-(b)rat.
The whole twelve thing: twelve gods (the Olympians, naturally), twelve colonies (the zodiac), and twelve Cylon models - am I forgetting any other twelves? Earth is a thirteenth, and separate from the zodiac-theme. Was the Cylon god a thirteenth one beside the twelve gods, or was he (definitely he, Six said as much) one of the twelve? Would there be a thirteenth model? Is that the hybrid child, maybe? Or a unique, non-replicated Cylon that the others don't know about? Also, the whole cloning thing that Helo went off on, we don't know if that's really how the human-shaped Cylons came into existence. I am, of course, deliberating fanfic, but I don't know that I will write anything. I'll see. (Is there any good, not-at-all-spoilery-for-season-2 fic that people want to point me to?)
In conclusion: Argh.