He was alone, waiting. Waiting for them to come. It was deafeningly silent, and he felt numb. He saw himself remove something from his pocket, an orange flip phone, and hold it, open.
There. Out of static, they appeared. Lurid, stylized creatures. A hot pink kangaroo and two electric blue penguins, more like tattoo or graffiti art than anything else.
The kangaroo was the immediate threat. He quickly pressed buttons, and then a sign was invisibly pulled over to drop on its head. More buttons, and various things from a gumball machine to a bike fell, until the creature vanished into the static it came from.
Now was the time for a bit more fun, it was so easy. One long press up, and he flew up, hovering, held by invisible strings. But before he could attack, they too dissipated into static. They must have been shot in the other plane. He brought himself down, the phone still in his right hand.