Title: 'Goin To the Zoo
Written By:
sisterreTimeline: Set post season 5 with the caveat that Mel and Lindsey never left sunny Pitts!
Rating: G
Author Notes: Thanks to my great beta
‘Goin’ to the zoo, zoo, zoo
How about you, you, you?’
Brian would never, for the rest of his life figure out how it had come to this. Michael’s long ago declaration rang through his head, ‘You’re Brian Kinney for fucks’ sake!’ He owned his own advertising company. He owned two homes. He owned the hottest gay night club in Pittsburgh. He was a cancer survivor and a survivor of parental neglect. He was in a committed, long distance, relationship with a person who was the best thing that ever happened to him. He had it all. In his possession he could also claim the child at his side.
Gus was eight now and declared his independence on a daily basis. He still looked remarkably like Brian, but as he grew, his personality was much more like his Mom’s. That was a good thing, as Justin was all too eager to point out to Brian, when he was in one of his melancholy moods. Gus was bubbly, and perceptive beyond his years. He was healthy, happy, and at his Dad’s side.
What started as a joke had become a reality. Lindsey had an unexpected change with a new opening at the gallery and Mel was in Miami with JR. Who do the dynamic lesbians call? Brian. But not at first, initially they called Justin in New York. They wanted to see if they should even bother trying Brian, or should they go right to Deb, who would be more than happy to be with Gus. Justin was optimistic. He told Lindsey to let him call Brian. And he did.
On the phone he talked about the ‘magic years’, years that you can never get back. He reminded Brian that in a few short years, Gus would want nothing to do with Brian. Even though he was the coolest Dad in all of greater Pittsburgh, Gus would avoid him like the plague. Justin came right out and said Brian should do it. It was rare that Justin demanded things in their relationship. But that’s just what he did, he had said, "Brian I dare you not to throw this opportunity away. Give him something you never had. Give him fun memories of his Dad. Just once, that’s all it takes with a kid, one great experience, and it becomes a memory. Do it."
So Brian agreed. He called Lindsey and found out the details. He cleared his schedule, and when the day arrived he selected the proper wardrobe for the occasion. He could almost say his mood was chipper, which is a stretch for Brian Kinney. But, Justin had just come back from New York for a two week visit. ‘Perfect timing’ Brian had told him when he found out Justin’s plans. And while Justin was not with Brian and Gus today, that was okay too. Brian had spent the last seventy two hours reacquainting himself with all the nooks and crannies of his lover’s body. So chipper was an adequate description.
He smiled to himself thinking of Justin’s laughing that very morning as he prepared to go. "You’re gonna love it. I know you will." Then he flashed that broad sunshine smile and went back to the paper. And in all honesty, he was glad that he took Justin’s dare. He was having a good time. Standing here holding onto his son and a classmate. Watching all the other mothers hover over their children as the class moved from exhibit to exhibit. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Gus’ tightening grip.
"Dad, Dad look at the size of the crap that elephant just dropped." He pointed to the steaming pile while he and his buddy cracked up. Brian smiled and had to laugh. Yea, he was having a great day.