Title: My Favorite Damn Disease
Written By:
flashflyTimeline: S1 - S4
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Just how did that chair in Episode 403 end up at the loft anyway?
Author Notes: The fic title comes from a lyric in Nickelback’s "Figured You Out". A heartfelt thanks to my beta - who read on two hours sleep, no dinner, and in the midst of a tropical storm.
My Favorite Damn Disease )
Comments 73
"It tastes like ammonia run through a jock strap."
Cynthia’s smile turned shy of gleeful. "Well, you would know."
Brian bristled, but then bit his tongue, because, yeah, well, he would.
- Omg spin-off ficlet kthnx
infinite series and convergence could kiss his tasty ass
Also, you fed my uniform!kink, so you = awesome.
Gah, I'm so rubbish at guessing authors, the person who I thought it might be already commented on it, so either you're going to extreme lengths to hide your identity, or you know, it's not you. My only guess would be, someone English?
Hee! Brian, being the great big fag that he is, has had his face in countless jocks and some of those, well you know, how careless some boys are . . .
Uniform!kink is tasty, isn't it? And I love that you think I'm English. But, alas no - just did some research. Thanks for quoting lines back that you liked - I get a kick out of that. :)
BTW, Scullery Boy Fantasies was my favorite of all the Dare fics. :)
As for my beta - I wouldn't have dared to post it without her. :)
That's so nice, thank you! As for writing more, I'm really excited about it again and have all sorts of ideas running around. Now, I just need to sit down and type.
Hmm, "brain damage" was mentioned in the fic. I expected "complicated", but I haven't been of such luck. The sex was hot and the comments were wittily written.
No, I'm not going to guess.
Yes. I think it only had to be repaired once in the 40 years they shared.
And brain damage = the two boys together, so yeah. :)
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