neversubserventLilith; First Wife; Lilith is essentially second in command, should Lucifer ever die (however unlikely) she would take over his position and be bestowed with what he has. The pair have been married since almost the beginning of time. When Lilith refused to kowtow to Adam as they were created from the same essence she called out Lucifer's true name and he came for her. In order to make a more subservient wife Eve was created from Adams rib. Lucifer has had several wives over time but Lilith is the only constant. The two wear rings however they're not placed on the traditional fingers and unless asked directly about it neither are likely to bring it up. He has grown rather fond of her over the years and while they sleep with other people he will not take kindly to anyone challeging their marrage.
not_cursedCain; Son • With Eve; When Eve was first created Lucifer had set upon it himself to tempt her and create sin inside of man. He did so easily when getting her to eat from the Tree of Knowledge against God's will. Eve had two sons Cain and Able, however from Lucifer's temptations and his 'filth' put upon her one of the two children, Cain was born in Lucifer's likeness. Cain later murdered his brother Able and was forced to wander the Earth marked for thousands of years. Recently he has come down to Tartarus and been reuinited with his 'father' much to Lilith's great displeasure.
godlessrockerBaphomet; Son • With Lil; One of Lilith and Lucifer's surviving and older children Baphomet is much more stubborn than most. He has no desire to take after either his father or his mother, however he gets along with Lilith better than he does Lucifer. She loves her children so much she's a bit of an enabler and Lucifer has little tolerance these days for some of Baphomet's behaviors. However there are other things that his Son does that would bother most people that Lucifer passively ignores. They have enough children he isn't worried about Baphomet taking over if he ever decided to turn over his throne. Assuming the kid hasn't fried his brain by then anyway...