Oh yeah. X11R7.0 built from source.
And, because LiveJournal is as good and bad a place as any to put this sort of thing, all the crap I went through to get this working:
Build Process:
- Download and install prereqs
- Fix missing file "assyntax.h" build error in Mesa by making symlink to file in x86 source tree
- Download everything from ftp.freedesktop.org/xorg/releases/X11R7.0/src/everything
- First attempt at building the source with the command:
CONFFLAGS="--sysconfdir=/etc/X11"; ./build-from-tarballs.sh -e -bz2 -m
-D -n /usr/local > build.log 2>&1
- Grep through build.log for '*****', indicating modules that failed to build.
- Rebuild zlib with --shared configure option, which broke the first module that failed and started the broken dependency chain
- Manually build modules that failed to build
- Try running X
- Realize you have to reinstall your nvidia drivers
- Notice that xf86-input-keyboard and xf86-input-mouse are both broken. Wonder how grep missed them, rebuild them
- Fuck around with "could not init font element " errors for an hour or so until you notice that all the font gz files are 20 bytes...
- Consult build.log to see that $BPFTOPDF was not set, causing lots of "t: command not found" errors...why didn't this cause make install to bomb...?
- Rebuild font packages
- Start X
- Compile xterm, start X
- Kill X, remove the 1600x1200 mode, restart X
- Celebrate: it works, if you're lucky!