Well, July was a wash; I'm actually closeish to making reqs, but I'm not sure I want to rush through a bunch of threads with two days to go, especially when August is gonna be a gong show as is. My parents invited me along to go to Utah for most of next month, and that seemed a better option than sitting alone in an empty house with the dog for three weeks, so I'll be AFK from the 12th and onward, though there might be intermittent internet access here and there. My goal is to get up six private EPs before the 1st, one for each of my characters, and just tag those for next month, since I absolutely want to make reqs.
Anyway, August rundown!☢ Peter: He turns 30 (!!!) on the 12th and his would-be wedding anniversary is on... Fuck, I can't remember -- the 21st or the 22nd? Either way, I won't be around for it, but everyone can feel free to assume that Pete was absolutely nowhere to be found on that day, because he was probably out beating the shit out of a dinosaur or something.
Age Switch: Fuck. Yes. He is gonna be 15 and he is not going to have his normal memories/perceptions. I want a break from his bleak viewpoint, and 15-year-old Pete is a hoot. Look forward to a joking, smiling, utterly unburdened Peter Parker, coming to an island near you! -- PB: young Tobey Maguire.
♛ Jamie: He is getting his dead, Legacy Virus dupe item on the 1st in a private thread with Layla, and will be performing the autopsy of said dupe in a public EP on the 2nd.
Age Switch: I think I'm going to make him young, shy, and quiet -- probably around ten or so -- and also wipe him of his normal memories and perceptions, just because the idea appeals to me. Conversely, I could make him a woman, but I can't think of a good PB, so probably not. -- PB: tiny Elijah Wood.
✪ Bucky: Will be a bit banged up from the fight with Atlas, but otherwise still in functioning order. Originally, he was gonna give Jason his own house for his birthday, but with Tim disappearing, he may hold off on that particular present 'til Christmas.
Age Switch: OH MY FUCKING GOD, YES. Bucky is gonna be a 16-year-old killing machine with a wicked smile, a flirtatious attitude, and not a goddamn care in the world. He will be completely and utterly his WWII self, right down to the exclamation marks, and he'll have both arms! -- PB: comic book art and tiny Sebastian Stan.
⠲ Matt: Went down to Rapture and destroyed shit.
Age Switch: Um, yes. He'll be 15, so Matt will be able to see for the duration of the plot, since he wasn't born blind. I want to thread him with all his friends, and may actually give him a public EP or tag him around during this time. -- PB: Scott Terra
⚡ Thor: Went down to Rapture and destroyed shit.
Age Switch: I am torn on this one. I know for sure I want to do something with Mjolnir (finally), but I'd either want to make him young or old like Odin. Currently, I think I'm leaning towards younger, though, just to drive home the point that he really does have a lot to learn, and lifting Mjolnir out of the water will be a pretty big challenge. So... let's go with young. -- PB: Dakota Goyo
✗ Charles: Settling in.
Age Switch: In an ideal universe, I'd make him Patrick Stewart, but I need to figure out if he'd be in a wheelchair or not before I started to thread him anywhere. I'm thinking he would be? Might send an email to the mods, unless one of 'em can answer here. -- PB: Patrick Stewart, potentially.