OOC: Background and Backstory Info

Feb 18, 2006 10:55

Here's all the cool info on Dari, including her background and how she feels about others. Leave a comment to set up some backstory. Everything will be screened in case there's anything you want to say that shouldn't be public knowledge (in which case tell me to re-screen it when I reply)

House: Ravenclaw
Year: Sixth

Full Name: Dariana Sophia Davison
Meaning: Dariana means Wealth, Sophia means Wisdom, Davison means Beloved.
Nicknames: She'll answer to a variety of names, including Dari, Ria, Riana, or Ri.

Hair: Dark brown, long and straight. She sometimes charms it curly or wavy and has also been known to charm coloured streaks into it in support of her favorite quidditch teams when they play
Eyes: A clear, bright green, though they tend to go darker during times on intense emotion.
Size: She's average eight, slender and athlectic
Dari's Player Body is Sophia Bush (known for her work on One Tree Hill)

Birth Things
Birthday: January 24
Age: 16
Sign: Aquarius (Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the "real world," over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness. The stereotypical geeks of the magical world, Ravenclaw Aquarians are noted mostly for their genius. They are gifted theorists and inventors, and highly talented students. Most wind up doing pure research after graduating from Hogwarts. Their noses are always in books of esoteric lore. Some people may laugh at them, either for their unconventional lifestyles or (more commonly) because they are obvious nerds, but they don't care. While they can have sharp tempers, especially when they encounter ignorance or stupidity, these wizards generally mean well, and have a "live and let live" philosophy. Their wit is legendary; not everybody gets the Ravenclaw Aquarian's jokes, but those who are subtle and intelligent enough find conversation with an Aquarian Ravenclaw to be quite funny, in a satirical and ironic and irreverent sort of way.)
Enegram: Enneagram type 7 - The EnthusiastPeople of this personality type are essentially concerned that their lives be an exciting adventure. Sevens are future oriented, restless people who are generally convinced that something better is just around the corner. They are quick thinkers who have a great deal of energy and who make lots of plans. They tend to be extroverted, multi-talented, creative and open minded. They are enthusiasts who enjoy the pleasures of the senses and who don't believe in any form of self-denial.

Sevens are practical people who have multiple skills. They know how to network and to promote themselves and their interests. They often have an entrepreneurial spirit and are able to convey their enthusiasm to those with whom they come in contact. When they are able to focus their talents, they are often highly successful. Focusing does not always come easily for Sevens, however. Their tendency to believe that something better awaits them, makes them reluctant to narrow down their options or to pursue their aims with true devotion.

The central problem for Sevens is that their pursuit of pleasure is compulsive. Sevens are fear types who are specifically afraid of the power of negative states of mind. These they avoid by seeking distractions in the external environment: by multi-tasking, by keeping their options open, by engaging in stimulation seeking of all kinds. For this reason, Sevens are more prone than most to addictions of all sorts, whether it be to shopping, gambling, drugs or whatever.

Sevens usually have a high opinion of themselves and their talents; they tend to focus on their strengths and virtues and to downplay their flaws and vices. They are often a bit self-centered which manifests in an unfounded feeling of entitlement. As Sevens don't want to confront their own darker emotions, they also have difficulty acknowledging the pain that others experience, so that they sometimes have a hard time seeing the reality of other people. The extent of the Seven's flight from negative emotions is really a measure of the Seven's mental health; the more that the Seven flees from them, the more their strength grows and the more likely they are to erupt into consciousness in the form of an anxiety disorder or a severe depressive episode.

As they are outward looking and not especially prone to introspection, it is not uncommon for Sevens to mistype themselves. Sometimes they mistype as Eights, as Sevens too can be domineering, especially if Eight is the dominant wing. But Eights are not anxious and they lack the quick, mental energy that is charateristic of the Seven. Sevens can easily mistype as Threes, but Threes are much more single minded than Sevens and don't suffer from the desire to keep all options open. Surprisingly, Sevens can mistype as Fours. When they recognize the disparity between the optimistic, fun loving persona that they project to the world and their own, often anxious internal mental states, they can confuse their pain with the melancholia of type Four. Sevens are in flight from this pain however, whereas Fours often cultivate their negative mental states.

Wand: 12 inch rowan wood with a dragon heartstring core
Rowan: Rowans were planted near doors and gates to ward off evil and were thought to guard the gateway to the spirit world. Rowan people are idealistic, progressive thinkers with strong humanitarian and spiritual principles. They thrive on change, becoming impatient with convention or restriction, artistic and original, they can appear detached and aloof.
Dragon Heartstring: Good for hexing. And usually for Transfiguration, which is probably how Dari managed to pass her Transfiguration OWL.
Broom: An early model Nimbus. It was a birthday gift during her third year and serves as a testament to how much her family doesn't really know her, since it's fairly common knowledge that she mostly refuses to fly, being afraid of heights.
First Sign of Magic: At the age of 4, Dari is supposed to be taking a nap, but wants to read instead. She summons a book to herself during a tantrum when her mother refuses to get it for her.

Quidditch: A fear of heights keeps her from playing, but Dari is quite the quidditch groupie. She's quite likely to crush on the male quidditch players and really gets into watching the game.
Reading: There's very little Dari enjoys more than reading a good book. You'll most usually find her curled up under her favourite tree or by the fire in the common room reading for pleasure when she's not doing her schoolwork.
Boys: Dari really likes boys. A lot. She's a it of a flirt, so she'll naturally flirt with just about any cute boy she finds. She's very anti-dating/relationship. "Get some and get gone" is pretty much her motto.

Career: Dari isn't really sure what she wants to do when she finishes school. She's leaning towards a career with the ministry in an attempt to ovecome her Father's disappointment in her, but she would probably be happier working with Potions somehow or doing something to help people.
Love: Dari doesn't really believe in love, not romatically. She's never seen the use in attaching yourself to one guy. Not when there are so many cute boys out there ;) She's flirted with and/or kissed quite a few boys. Currently Darin DeLouise is her favorite kissing buddy, but that still doesn't mean she'd content herself with only kissing him. If Dari ever does find herself in love or any kind of relationship, it will be very much against her will.

(this section is a work in progress... please comment to establish your backstory or have me make any necessary revisions or corrections)
Other Students:
charlotte_w - Met her during one of those boring pureblood parties and they get along pretty well. She tried to tutor Charlie in Potions and was sad when she dropped it this year, but she continues to get help from her with her Charms homework.
john_levitz - Another person she met at those stuffy pureblood parties. She thinks he's very nice and charming and enjoys flirting with him when the opportunity presents itself.
tobias_kinsella - She thinks he looks really hot in his quidditch uniform and is not above using the guise of needing help with Transfig as an excuse to spend time with him ;)
zak_reso - She finds him rather cute and charming. She tried to help him out in Potions prior to their OWLs and they've bonded a bit over a mutual hatred for Transfig.
naiaflowing - She's seen Naia around since they're in the same house, though she doesn't really know her well.
liacallahan - Dari has seen Lia in the library and common room a lot and has offered many a time to help her with her potions. She likes the younger girl a lot.
cassie_carys - A first year that Dari has seen around. She finds her hyperactive and odd, but then she feels that way about many of the firsties. They disrupt her calm when she wants to read/study.
claireprinceton - Total BFFs. Dari met Claire on the train first year and they bonded over a mutual love for quidditch. They are commonly seen whispering and giggling together, especially around Anton Pilot. Quite proably certain members of their families are acquainted, too.
scarlettlycroft - Met her in the library and gets along well with her.
amorisaamherst - They're cousin's, though her parents don't like to admit to the relation. Dari is extra nice to Amorisa, because she thinks it's silly that she's been shunned by her parents just because of her own parentage.
jul_agate - Dari knows Jul through Claire and thinks she's pretty cool.
natalie_corwin - Dari really likes Natalie. They have a lot in common and she seems very nice.
thecharmingtwin - Darin's a lot of fun to flirt with and she's grateful for whatever help he's given her in Transfig in the past, even if it didn't pay off enough for her to get into NEWT level classes. She tries to help him in Potions as much as she can, partly as a thank you and party because he's cute and charming and she likes hanging around him. Plus, the whole quidditch thing is kind of hot.
alex_varian - She's seen him around and does her best to avoid him. He's pretty much an ass and she'd hate to have to hex him for it and end up in detention, so she just avoids being around him, which isn't hard since he is a different year and house.
candace_idris - Dari and Candy met at one of the boring pureblood parties and are pretty good friends.
dom_malcolm - Dari likes Dom lot. She finds him intelligent for a non-Ravenclaw and it doesn't hurt that he's kind of pretty ;)
the_rain0 - Doesn't know her well, but she's seen her around the library and common room and they've talked about books a time or two.
jeremy_pitt - Dari has known Jeremy forever. They're not so much friends as they are.. shagging/snogging buddies. They often blew off crowds at those horrid pureblood parties and found an empty room to entertain themselves in. On one such occasion at Jeremy's house, they ended up in his room where Jeremy's father walked in on them, laughed, and left them to carry on.
tristina_darcy - Tris is Dari's best friend in the whole world. She is one of the few people Dari trusts and loves completely and unconditionally. There is nothing Dari wouldn't do for her and she's the one person who can always, always make her feel better.

npflyantonpilot - Spends a lot of time fangirling and stalking him. Followed his Quidditch career closely and becomes a bit of a giggly schoolgirl around him.

prof_chandler - Dari met Reginald through her parents over the summer. She likes him well enough, especially as he's now teaching one of her favorite classes. While she does know him outside of the student/teacher relationship, she's very close to keep thinsg formal with him in class. Especially since her love and interest in the subject makes her enough of a teacher's pet as it is.

September 2, 1989 - Dari is born.

1993 - (age 4) Dari shows her first signs of magic. She is supposed to be napping, but she wants to read. When her mother refuses to bring her a book, Dari throws a bit of a tantrum and ends up summoning the book to herself.

1997 - (age 7) Jeremy breaks his arm when Dari dares him to climb a tree and he falls. She has lots of guilt.

1998 - (age 9) Dari gets Dragonpox. Jeremy sneaks into her room somehow and he ends up getting it, too.

Hogwarts Years
2000-2001 - First Year
x Meets Claire. They bond over quidditch and assorted other things and become instant friends.
x Meets other assorted 6th years in classes, etc.
x Is reunited with Tris on the train to Hogwarts... instant BFF reunion OMG.

2001-2002 - Second Year
x Researches 3rd year electives

2002-2003 - Third Year
x Summer before third year - first kiss (with Jeremy at their pond)
x Snogs Darin for the first but definitely not the last time.
x Snogs Bruce for the first time.
x Snogs Nicodemus for the first time.

2003-2004 - Fourth Year
x Starts to obsess over OWLs (yes, a year early).
x Snogs Edward after a quidditch match.
x Snogs Nick under the mistletoe just before winter hols.
x Jeremy de-virginizes her, they're caught by his father immediately after.
x Ends up shagging Nico whilst visiting him in the HW after his quidditch accident. The beginning of their friends with benefits type relationship.

2004-2005 - Fifth Year
x Nearly ends up in the hospital wing after depriving herself of food and sleep in order to study for her exams.
x Snogs Tybalt
x Snogs Zak around Easter time, probably more than once
x Snogs Jesse's brother Jack
x Regular visits to closets/empty rooms with Rupert during which they make out :)
x Has another summer fling with random NPC in Greece.

2005-2006 - Sixth Year
x Snogs Tobias and Barrett at Darin & Taylor's birthday party.
x Makes out with Alex.
x Finds out her parents are Death Eaters
x Sex with Nico in an empty classroom.
x Hot locker room sex with Darin after a quidditch practice.
x Goes to Hogsmeade with Alex
x Is injured slightly at the Slytherin party
x Dari and Jay's mum is arrested
X Visits the miistry over holidays, meets Lenore
x Meets Jeremy's mother and sister, skating fun
x Jay pushes her down the stairs
x Nico throws her a surprise birthday party

Future Timeline
Summer 2006
x Jeremy helps Dari move into her first flat
x Jeremy is back after Nic cheats, he and Dari end up in bed
x When Jeremy goes back to Nic, Dari realizes she is in love with him, but vows never to tell him, because she doesn't want to wreck things between him and Nic or make things awks with their friendship.
x A week or two later, Jeremy and Dari try to figure out how to make a television work
x The next day Darin pops by and helps her christen the flat (Jeremy cameo.. hee!)
x Dari interns in the Unspeakables Office for the summer with lenore_grey

Seventh Year
x Darin asks dari out
x Dari and Darin fight at the Halloween Ball
x Dari gets an offer from the Unspeakables, Darin freaks about the separation for training
x Darin and Dari make up post fighting.
x Dari/Darin say goodbye before training/first ILUs

Post Hogwarts
x Dari spends 6 months at Unspeakable training (June-Dec 2007)
x Jeremy surprises Dari when she returns from training (Dec 2007)
x Darin is waiting for Dari and they fight about her going out with Jer
x Darin thinks Dari cheated with Jeremy, they break up (March 2010)
x D2 fight again post breakup (March 2010 - few days later)
x D2 fight/hook up at a Hannek party, they break up again when they sober up (May 2010)
x D2 gets back together (Sept 2010 - after Darin's Auror graduation)
x Jeremy gets married - kiss/near-kiss between D/J - much guilt (sometime 2008)
x Darin Proposes to Dari (2011)
x D2 gets married (Fall 2012)
x First child: James Edward (2014)
x Second child: Victoria Lee (2016)
x Twins: Elizabeth Dawn and Benjamin Darin (2017)

ooc, backstory

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