Title: Thoughts and Realization
Rating G
Characters: Snape
Pairing: Gen, Snape/Lily if you squint.
Summary: Snape thinks on his feelings regarding Harry Potter and comes to some realization.
"I do not pretend to have any paternal feelings for the boy. This would be truly absurd, as nearly all of my Howarts colleagues have witnessed my actions towards him, which clearly point to the contrary.
Nor do I feel any sentimentality towards him. He is, after all, his father's son. I do however, empathize with the abuse he has suffered. No one in this world deserves such horrific treatment. That is not to say however, that I would have done something to save him from his tormentors even if I could.
[Would I?]
No, I would not. I would not be capable of taking him under my wing, of protecting him, of loving him the way he would've required. Not James Potter's son.
But in another time perhaps....
Perhaps if his hair was a different shade.
Perhaps if he had displayed an aptitude for potions.
Perhaps if hie was younger when we met and I'd bought him his first broomstick.
Perhaps if she was waving at him, smiling as he flew. One of her iridescent smiles.
Perhaps if she was with me, had chosen me not James Potter and the boy was truly mine I could bring myself to care.