Title: Guitar
Author: Dariclone
Rating: G
Pairing: Mostly gen, though some Crystal/Josh.
Summary: Whatever happened to Crystal Gordon's guitar. Angst heavy.
Crystal stared blankly at her guitar. It had been sitting, unused, in it's usual spot for days now.
She didn't know what to do with it. After all, she didn't believe in God anymore, and without any "Lord" there was hardly any point to playing the "Lord's music" was there?
It made her blood boil to think of all the times she defended God, passed judgement on others instead of helping them, called Denny and Shazz's love unnatural just because it said so in some book.
She thought about Josh sitting at home [his home, now only his] with little Zandra. Zandra their daughter. Would Zandra know her mother when she got out? Would Josh let her back into Zandra's life?
The thought of not being able to see her daughter and her eyes stung with tears she was unaware she had cried.
Feeling alone and in utter despair Crystal looked at the guitar again. Some part of her wanted to pick it up, smash it against the wall, destroy it totally.
But as she thought about it, she realized she she shouldn't. For one thing the other girls still had their guitars from the "choir" and she'd look pretty silly not having one, considering it was her guitar that had started the whole thing.
For another thing, there wasn't much to do when she was by herself. It wasn't that the others weren't there for her or that they didn't include her in things. The Julies were so great, they were almost substitute mums, but still it wasn't the same as having Josh and Zandra there.
She tried to play it cool about missing them, which was, she assumed why most of the girls didn't realize she was missing them. Perhaps playing it cool hadn't been the best way to go about things after all. Picking up the guitar, Crystal began to play a song. Not a hymn, but a soul tune, one of the few non-religious songs she knew.
The song seemed to fly from her fingers as she played the guitar. Soon she realized she was singing as well.
She kept singing even after her roommates came back and asked if she was alright. She kept singing late into the night, not realizing her voice was raw and harsh. She only stopped singing when Bodybags came into the room and all but tore the guitar from her, saying it was well past lights out.
Yes, she thought, as she settled into bed, there was still room in her life for her guitar.