Title: Hospital Bed Pairing: Aiba/Nino Rating: G Genre: Friendship/General Summary: It's not the first time Aiba visits the hospital. And Nino assures him it doesn't really matter.
This was really touching~ :) I like the way they keep the mood light even though they're both crying. It seems like that'd be what they'd do. Thanks for sharing :D
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet.....Nino, he's just....nothing I can say.... *wiping tears* I hope Aiba-chan can get well soon... it's hard to see him crying over this incident and himself think that he's a burden... :(
Comments 19
thank you so much for sharing
I like the way they keep the mood light even though they're both crying. It seems like that'd be what they'd do.
Thanks for sharing :D
Thank you for taking the time to read! :3
I hope Aiba-chan can get well soon... it's hard to see him crying over this incident and himself think that he's a burden... :(
thank you for sharing :)
Thank you for reading and commenting! ♥
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