"I feel like the floor of a taxicab." What film is that from?
Last night I got a letter from my lawyer stating he'd been contacted by my former roommate's lawyer regarding a pending civil suit. Of course, my lawyer tried contacting him on two seperate occasions, and never heard back...
Last night my girlfriend and I got drunk and watched some of Season 2 of Buffy. Spike rules.
Speaking of Buffy, Joss Whedon has announced they're bringing the Buffy comic book back, with a four-issue storyline written by him, set post-Season 7, with Buffy living in Italy. The storyline will also tie into the upcoming Spike film, and Whedon looks to have editorial control over the Buffy title after he gives the reins to the next writer. Aces. Can he manage doing this, writing the Wonder Woman film, writing the only X-Men title worth a damn at Marvel, as well as writing the Firefly comic the Browncoats are going to flip out about (since it takes place pre-film, meaning Wash is still alive)? Could that sentence possibly be written more poorly?
Actual screencap. "Fair and Balanced," my ass. But we already knew that. And that's the sad part. We can't do anything.
Going to Philly this weekend, looks like.
Reportedly, Jason Reso has copyrighted the names "Christian Cage" and "Captain Charisma." Beautiful.
Still haven't had the opportunity to sit down and write reviews on the bounty I received this month from Mile High Comics. This weekend was the nearest, but social life > comic book blogging. And we all know that.
Man. I need a cigarette.