Name → Darlene
Nicknames → Dar, Dari
Birthday → 6/23/1989
Zodiac → Cancer / Snake
Hair →
Recently dyed.
Eyes → Dark brown.
Height → 5'3" (... 160cm?)
Body Type → Overweight ;3;
Relationship Status → Forever alone
Kids → Wants them!
Pets → ... Not a big fan of keeping animals '''''':Ta.
Religious Views → I don't consider myself belonging to any religion particularly, don't believe in God and everything associated, and am not highly spiritual. I like a lot of Buddhist philosophy though.
Political Views → Ehhhhhhhhhh I really hate politics. Especially American politics. People get all in a huff about everything and it's kind of stupid because priorities are never in the right order. Instead of thinking about tackling basic problems in human rights etcetc a bunch of old dudes at the White House are arguing whether they have any business in who can marry who or at what point is a fetus a ~person~ or other dumb shit in the name of a religion that has no business in politics. I still like Obama a lot but get annoyed with criticism about him because a lot of people are all "Ohhh he said he'd do so much and nothing's getting done" but like... it's not like he's there dictating :\. The House and the Senate are a bunch of douchebags who can't get along and--
yeah, no love for politics.
City/State/Country → Chicago / Illinois / USA
Favorite Flower → Pansies. They look like they have faces :V
Favorite Movie(s) → SLC Punk and Party Monster are the first that come to mind :|a
Favorite Song(s) → Ugh idk.
3 Random Facts about you:
☆ My right shoulder has been dislocated twice.
☆ I'm named after my grandma.
☆ I very rarely curse irl~.
Story behind your username: I've been Darizard since I was 10 years old and pokemon just was becoming popular, bitches :V. Has been an internet handle on and off since then. Recently there are other "darizard"s popping up elsewhere and I get annoyed when I go to sign up and my username is taken X(
1. First Name
2. Age
3. Location
Chicago, IL
4. Occupation
Full time student :[. Freelance artist on commission.
5. Partner?
6. Kids
Not yet :V
7. Brothers/Sisters
Half-sister: Named Evelyn ("Evie"), is having a baby in March!
Half-brother: Chris, deceased.
Little sister: Jamie, goes to Purdue. idek what for anymore.
8. Pets
Was at an aquarium with Sylvia and
desist yesterday, I totally would have bought a betta if I didn't have to carry it in 15 degree weather on the train =A=;;;. But like. bigger pets just aren't for me.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life
☆ There is nothing else.
10. Parents
Mom recently remarried to a supercool dude. She is my financial support and I love talking to her and she is the best. As much as I love being in Chicago, there isn't much for me here anymore and I might go move to Middleofnowhere, TN and live with her for a little while.
Dad still not over their marriage breaking up. Jamie and I don't share his enthusiasm about a tight family that stays in the same house for forever. I'm not as nice to him as I should be because he is nothing but supportive and loving.
11. Who are some of your closest friends?
SYLVIA I have been friends with since middle school, and we became better friends for playing fucking Maplestory together in and after high school. She's the only one that is around in the suburbs all year round, and I hang out with her most.
desist and considering that she is the only person I know irl who reads my journal, she might know me best. Even though she is usually far far away, we've stayed the same and it's super awesome.
SAM is another friend from high school, we take fun adventures to Mitsuwa together and eat ramen and sushi and talk about video games that I only hear about but never have time to play and she rants to me about whoever she has a crush on and together we are the most ridiculous silly combination.
And omg there's you guys too.
vycey and
wraithi and
tealite and
eats_typos and the rest of you bitches are the best bros I could ask for.
12. What are some of the things you like most?
The smell of mint-chocolate, fuzzy socks and slippers, t-shirts without collars, teeeea, going to bed early, sitting by the lake, anime marathons, pokemons, making big paintings, etcetc.
13. A photo of yourself and anything else you want to say.