Dec 12, 2007 07:52
Lana wasn't sleeping, hadn't dared sleep since she'd had the nightmare. She was just curled up in bed, staring at the wall, a cup of tea long since gone cold on the bedside table beside her. If she got up right now she could make the first ferry and go...
That was where she always got stuck. Where did she go?
To Hong Kong as she'd once planned?
Did she find Nate and ask him to take her to his world as he'd once offered?
Jim would take her in, but she didn't particularly like Jim right now. She didn't particularly like anyone right now, herself least of all.
Lex would take her back, too. It would be the last place anyone would ever think to look for her. And she probably deserved to be miserable for the rest of her life.
She wished she could just make her mind turn off - stop thinking about Maggie and the other baby who wasn't, about Jim and Dean and the way Dean had looked at her and how much she hated herself and wished she could just close her eyes and go to sleep and never wake up. Wished she could make the last couple of months just disappear. Wished she could just disappear.
Which brought her back to - If she got up right now she could make the first ferry and go...
[OOC: NFB, Please!! For Mr. Phale.]