Interpretation of ST:XI: Slash goggles, on!
dark_orion So, I realize I’m about, oh, several eons late with something like this, but I’ve had these thoughts chasing themselves around in my head since the movie came out, and if I don’t find a way to make them shut up, I’m going to lose my ever-lovin’ mind. Or one of my family members will finally kill me at the next whiff of "but if the Narada showed up after Spock's birth..." Either way, you know, death.
I've got really long (embarrassingly long, really) notes on all this stuff (because I guess I have nothing better to do *cough* final project *cough*), so I forewarn: rambling will ensue. I am also fond of tangents. This will not be a straight shot from here to there, but rather a meandering stroll through a labyrinthine maze. So...there's that. I'll try to mark major topics, so if you're just not interested in, say, my theories on Terran/Vulcan politics, you can skip ahead to the slash. You know, the fun stuff.
Also, last point, I'm going to try my damndest to stick to the events and timeline of XI, at least when I'm not comparing TOS to XI to point out a difference or am referencing something that takes place before the events of XI, since the two timelines would be the same up to the Narada incident. Which means I'll be evaluating characters and their relationships based solely on their portrayal in the new film. Except... Spock!Prime sort of throws a wrench into that kinda, doesn't he? Goddammit.
So, here goes.
Split into four parts by topic, as it was way to big for one post in lj. Dammit.
Why Is Spock Such an Emo Asshole in ST:XI?)
Parsing Spock and Uhura's Relationship: The Academy Years)
Why Jim Kirk Is Still the Better Match for Spock, in Any Timeline: The Persistence of T'hy'la (a.k.a. The Fun Stuff))
These Filmmakers Are Sneaky, Subversive Little Weasels: Everyone's a Spirk Shipper!)
ETA 2: Now with (
Also, I seem to be having a little trouble with the images, at least from my connection. If you are having similar issues, the gallery for the whole commentary is
ETA: Hi, guys. Sorry to those of you who've been witness to some kerfuffles going on in the comments. It's gotten a little intense, so I apologize to all of you. I hate to have to go all "mom" here, but from here on, I'm instituting a zero tolerance policy for disrespect (e.g. name-calling, personal attacks) here. Please, please, don't think I mean that you can't disagree with me. I kind of love it when you do, because we've had some really in-depth discussion here that I think benefits all of us involved. It's fun, because who doesn't love any excuse to talk about Trek here? But when we start to get into just being outright mean to each other on a personal level, that's taking it too far, right?
The overwhelming majority of you guys have been awesome, and completely and totally cordial and polite even when letting me know when I'm wrong, wrong, wrong. We're bickering like Kirk and Spock, and it's great. I thank you guys for that, and I hope it continues. I'm just nipping some things in the bud before they get nasty.
'Kay. As you were. Nothing to see here, folks. :)