Title: I've Heard That Song Before
Fandom: Harry Potter (AoD-verse)
Pairing: Gabrielle Delacour/Amelia Higgs
Warnings: Femslash, AU
Summary: Sometimes it's hard to tell the truths in the stories.
It's often hard to tell when a story ends, and even when you get to the expected "happily ever after." It's hard to believe the storyteller when they say it's all over, and you find yourself wondering if there was any truth in it at all. Could the crazy calliope of adventure really be over that simply? And if it isn't, then how do you know Cinderella's prince really didn't mind that his pretty girl had been nothing more than a scullery maid. After the happy ever after, did he really not mind the dirt under her fingernails?
There are hundreds of stories concocted every day, and it's easy to believe them -- but are they anything more than the wind? Amelia Higgs wasn't one to listen to rumours and gossip, she knew all too often how wrong they could be, but there were times when hearing them, she got jealous, but she had learned early on that words...well they were often lost in translation.
The warnings and admonitions were almost as old as their relationship -- only two days new they had started, first from her beloved older brother who was worried, and even Amelia had to admit, he had reason to be, but there was little truth in his fears to her ears. She had never been a particularly wordy person -- oh she could be as chatty as the next teenage girl -- but she had never been one for reading or writing. It was too slow, to hard to feel the words, music always seemed so much truer to her, tactile, touchable, knowable, while words seemed like so much ether.
The truth of the story always came out in the flesh and bone, and even when Terrence said it was the thrall, or even when Gabrielle had told her that she didn't really like Gabrielle, that it was all the thrall, she couldn't believe it. There was more familiarity than foreignness in the kisses, like a song she had heard long ago and forgotten.
When she didn't understand the words that Gabrielle whispered, they still made her shiver with the cadence of the blond's breath, and her hands wandered over Veela-pale skin tracing veins and heartbeats like she was discovering something true, like the end of a story, or maybe a very beginning. It didn't really matter, none of it did, except that she knew she was meant to be here -- and even that fact scared her a little.