Your creativity needed

Mar 10, 2007 21:23

FROM: Clerk Yoo von Reibekuchenlützelhausen, Überwald Dept., Dept. HQ
TO: All Clerks, various places

SUBJECT: We need creativity!

What for? The Jamboree, maybe hopefully. Mark you, nothing is cast in stone yet, but for now the being silly is at least as enjoyable as the event looks to be. ^^

Itym #1:
I hope you all know the song Shiny Happy People by REM...? Good. You may also know that this has become the inofficial Dark Clerks' theme song. Now, to make it a more solemn occasion, we need lyrics fit for Dark Clerks. Funnily enough, the tune sounds quite anthem-like when sung slowly. XD

Shiny Happy People

Meet me in the crowd
People people
Throw your love around
Love me love me
Take it into town
Happy happy
Put it in the ground
Where the flowers grow
Gold and silver shine

Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing

Everyone around love them, love them
Put it in your hands
Take it take it
There's no time to cry
Happy happy
Put it in your heart
Where tomorrow shines
Gold and silver shine

~~All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners and provided for non-commercial purposes only.

Itym #2:
This goes out to all of you who know any martial arts of sorts, yoga, gymnastics etc - but especially Tai Chi.

First of all, can you think of a clever discworldly name for Tai Chi?
Secondly, suggestions for slow, quiet and clerk-like (and discworldly!) excercices and movements are very welcome. ^-^

An now: out with your creativity! =^-^=

Demanding one official hug per Clerk and month,
Clerk Yoo von Reibekuchenlützelhausen
Überwald Dept.
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