Title: Demon Love Chapter: 1/1 Fandom: Original Language: English Rating: NC-17 Warnings: violent imaginary, sex, abuse, mindfuck, Pairings: demon/human Note: This is a songfic to ASP - Demon Love.
Gosh. O_O It was hot and depressing all at the same time. So good though! ^^ It sounded like a poem. I've never heard of a songfic before that's so cool how you can take lyrics and make something from. I do it all the time but I never thought you could actually write about it. Did I already mention it was hot?
Anyway terrific job, Eryn! *hands subatomic, ectoplasmic cookie baked in the space time continuum* ^^
you've never read a songfic before? *pets and cuddles* and yes you mentioned it was hot^^ Thanks for taking the time to read and comment^^ *munches cookie happily*
Comments 2
Anyway terrific job, Eryn! *hands subatomic, ectoplasmic cookie baked in the space time continuum* ^^
and yes you mentioned it was hot^^
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment^^
*munches cookie happily*
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