Now you see it, now you don't.

Mar 16, 2005 20:23

I just found something on Google that they've immediately removed, but luckily I saved it to disk first. Excuse the inflated gif images. On the actual site, the inflated version looked of a higher quality, so those files must be missing from my save ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

sauron19 March 17 2005, 10:31:41 UTC
Can't seem to connect to as of 10:31am 17/3


dark_ixion March 17 2005, 12:39:36 UTC
Erk... not sure why it stopped working. I've restarted the httpd and it should be working now :)


sauron19 March 17 2005, 17:48:36 UTC
Still nothing as of 17:47 Ping responds ok and the address resolves to so I guess the box itself is alright...


dark_ixion March 17 2005, 17:49:55 UTC
I actually turned it off 20 mins ago, but have just restarted it again.


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