So, I decided to not be lazy..or, rather, in my boredom I elected to do something.
That something was to scan 14 of my pictures from semi and upload them, so now for your viewing pleasure...
Semi Pictures:
we'll get the picture of me out of the way =P (there's only one more with me in it, that i scanned. wee!)
Valene and Joshua
Nicole and Matt
Michelle and Liz
Michelle, looking quite tweeky and Aaron..taking a nap?
I believe this was Megan's victory dance in accomplishment of stealing Nate's hat
Matty and his radical pink tie
Liz and Isacc
Jill (my pookie bear)
Lil Emmy Ow Ow, Koop Dogg, and M-Rizzle =D
Em and Michelle <3
Em and Meg
Carly, all spangled out <3
Sheila and Adam!
Weeee...wasn't that fun? Okay now...byebye <3<3