I am so mad at Myspace. It up and decided to delete all my friends! Rarr. So now I have to try and think of the 30 some odd people who were on there and add them all again and it's gonna take a really long time. Damn evil computer...things!
So, today we had that super fun quiz of Europe and the capitals. The first time I took it I managed a 59%, not so hot, eh? ha ha. I could remember the majority of the countries with their capitals, but I royally fucked up the placement. Since nearly everyone did awful though, Mr Hanley gave us 15 minutes to re-study everything and let us take the
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So...yeah. I'm leaving for Canada at 5 am, whoa-ho fun. I guess me and my dad are taking a boat from Rochester to Ontario. That should be entertaining. HELL, this whole trip should be entertaining considering for about the last 48 hours my dad hasn't been able to go an hour without bitching at me. But oh well, I get to shop and be all pampered by
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"So, at what age do the children get to smoke crack?" "Depends on how much they clean their room!".....who doesn't love the Howard Stern show
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So, today was pretty much a bore. I didn't do all too much, which makes it seem oh so pointless for me to update, but I do anyway. I know all of you lovely people are just holding your breath, waiting, drooling over every word....right? haha (or maybe not?). Let's see, what did I do? I woke up at about 12 30 and talked to some people online. I
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"Passion, it lies in all of us: sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden it will stir, open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us, guides us; passion rules us all and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than
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