I have a car! Finally little spark is moving up in the world! "Do you have your license yet?" you ask? Well, n- uh... n-no. But i'm reeaalllllyy close. Honest! I have to learn how to reverse park... which seems relatively easy but we'll see how we go, having never tried one before i can't really comment yet. So the next week will be intensive
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Comments 2
Hey Elben,
Its brett man.. We haven't communicated in _ages_!
Hope everything is well!
Goodluck with the car, reverse parking and ultimately your test!!!
I'll probably see you some time soonish, i'm planning on making quite a few visits to random people now i have transport.
Next time skrogz has a free house and a get together we should cross paths, and maybe even catch up when doing so =)
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