If there is one thing I can't stand more than "random humor", it's...
OH wait. There ISN'T anything I can't stand more than "random humor".
Random humor is this sort of philosophy that the key to being funny is simple: do something that nobody would expect. This sort of epitaph works in an embarrassingly obnoxious manner.
EXHIBIT A: Let's take, for
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Comments 4
On the other hand, I rather agree with you. It doesn't help that the demographic for RHs also happens to mix with the demographic for unsensitive jerk.
Random question, have you ever met a female RH?
*begins exploring the use of toothpicks as a method for removing sandal-grime.*
I found it funny in a dignified, collected sort of way
And is directly related to one that looks like this
Quiet|-------------------------------|Loud------------|Impossible to ignore---------------|Bleeding-from-the-fucking-ears
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