super happy fun band camp of painfull death and destruction

Jan 25, 2004 00:16

Saito Takuji: DUDE!!!
Darks Chyld: SWEET!!
Darks Chyld: what?
Saito Takuji: how the hell should i know
Saito Takuji: you started this
Saito Takuji: :-P
Darks Chyld: What did I start?
Darks Chyld: oO
Saito Takuji: everything
Saito Takuji: and nothing
Saito Takuji: but once again i place the blame squarely on tight pants
Darks Chyld: Tight....pants?
Darks Chyld: first you blame me, then tight pants.
Darks Chyld: Are you trying to tell me something Joe?
Saito Takuji: no, but you must be trying to tell me something,
Darks Chyld: And what do you think that I am trying to tell you?
Saito Takuji: i don't know you tell me
Darks Chyld: I want to hear your guess first...if infact I am trying to tell you something, then I will tell you if it is correct or incorrect
Saito Takuji: oh so you actually are trying to tell me something
Darks Chyld: only in theory
Saito Takuji: note i am just being random none of this actually has anything to do with anything
Darks Chyld: note I am not as blonde as most thing, and realize this truth in the matter
Darks Chyld: think^
Saito Takuji: well anyway, i think your trying to tell me about that one time at band camp
Darks Chyld: You were there remember, it was YOUR flute after all
Saito Takuji: i never played the flute, i played the tuba remember
Darks Chyld: Oh, well who's flute was it...I play clarinet, and that was deffiently a flute!@
Saito Takuji: that was really scarry when the councelor almost walked in on you, luckily i distracted him away though
Darks Chyld: And I thank you eternally for it, that is why you have the only copy of the video we made so you wouldn't miss a minuet of it.
Saito Takuji: your welcome
Darks Chyld: hehe
Saito Takuji: that was the best ice cream i've ever had, do you rememeber who's idea it was to use a flute rather than a spoon
Darks Chyld: I totally agree, I wonder if they sell that flavor in stores....That was MY idea, sometimes I DO get a spark of genious.
Saito Takuji: ah of course, and no, i've never seen any roast beef flavoured ice cream again
Darks Chyld: *cries* well, we will just have to make it ourselves again. *thinks* But I don't get to go to band camp this year!!
Saito Takuji: darn, neither do i
Saito Takuji: i accidently melted my tuba and sold it on the black market
Darks Chyld: Ya know, it has been hard since they banned us from that camp site for using the triangles for horse shoes. Wow, I didn't think anyone would have wanted a melted tuba
Saito Takuji: heh yea you'd be supprized, but they banned me for using my tuba as a bong, not for the tri-angle incident

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