Title: Max Guevera Tomb Raider: What the Ancients Left Behind
Author: Denyce
susanmarierFandom: Dark Angel/Stargate Atlantis
Pairings: Max/Logan, Max/Alec, Max/Alec/Logan, McKay/Ronon/Sheppard, Lorne/Parrish
Summary: An interest in her dad’s clock quickly turns into peril. With the help of Sheppard and his team, Max finds herself halfway around the world with hopes to stop White and a man named Michael.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Infused crossover may be OC for Lara Croft crew.
Disclaimer: Not Mine! I don’t own nor make any monetary value! Borrowing characters strictly for fanfiction to share with other obsessive fans and intended for harmless enjoyment.
Word count: 27k
AN: Initially the idea and inspiration came from
clwilson2006’s art in the DA_ reversebang. Unfortunately I was not able to get where I wanted, so I posted a shorter bit within the same universe prior to the events of this story (when Max meets and hires Logan). If you’re interested you can read that here:
http://denyce.livejournal.com/355310.html, or on AO3 and check out the initial art that inspired me. I continued writing with the goal to finish for darkangel_bb. Although my muse hit several rough patches where I literally only wrote a sentence or two I kept plugging away. I was very lucky and had another wonderful artist
susanmarier who’s wonderful work re-inspired me all over again. I’ll add a link to her LG/art soon (my fault as I’ve been behind for over a month and haven’t responded to her recent emails). Additionally a HUGE thank you & <333 goes out to
nighean_isis for the beta.
Lastly to everyone who participated on this year's Big/min Bang- Your love, support, and participation meant the world to me and kept me going THANK YOU!!!! ">
Link to AO3 will add to my lj later tonight - again I'm SO behind! However Happy Holidays!